Age: 42
Height: 5'4" seems about right. She looks a little short, but then she is in a game full of super tall people.
Weight: I would imagine she's fairly dense for her size
Medical Info: Very healthy for her age. She's super in-shape and can still beat up whipper-snapped and fuck the shit out of bears depending on what the situation calls for.
Eyes: green?
Hair: Blond
Physical traits: A SOLDIER!!1! Dresses, speaks and carries herself like one. She has one huge scar that winds all over her torso but it turned into sybolism and wandered away so I guess she doesn't have it now.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Being fictional is not a big deal, and she has no real emo buttons. But like... don't spring Outer Heaven or ZANZIBAR LAND on me without a little warning.
Abilities: She invented cqc. She invented CQC. So though she is a normal human, she is the unquestioned leader of a band of paranormal super-soldiers because she's just. That. Good. Her gun has infinite ammo and she can not be defeated during a cut-scene.
Notes for the Psychics: She's very calm at all times. Her code name was "The Joy," and though she's not always happy, the name suits her. She got totally fucked over and had to watch all her comrades die but still this doesn't really make her emo at all because she believes in the cause she was fucked over for. So her Joy can be a little bitter-sweet, but I don't think a psychic would find much in there but calm and satisfaction.
ALSO! Floating along behind her is her dead babby-daddy
The Sorrow. He basically just chills out behind her being dead and sad and sad that he's dead. Sometimes he hold up cardboard signs to tell you that bombs are about to explode. In camp, he will tell you The Boss's comment count if you hit R1 while talking to her.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Talk to me~!
Hugging/Kissing/Other Non-Violent Physical Contact: She will probably retaliate with a lesson on how your approach left you open for attacks. The lesson will hurt. BUT I'M COOL WITH THIS IF YOU ARE.
Emo/Angst/Drama: Fuck yeah!
Maim/Murder/Death: Again, lets talk. I am up for drama as long as it isn't going to fuck over castmates.
Cooking: Jack had to learn somewhere, right?