-She is a master of cognitive dissonance. She can hold two completely contradictory statements be true and believe fully in both of them.
-Her father was a legendary soldier as well. His place in the Philosophers was probably something like Big Boss's place in the Patriots.
-Because of that, she has always been a soldier. She doesn't really know any home but the battlefield. She can not be anything but a soldier. Every once in a while, when she first became The Boss she flirted with wishing she could, but by the time she was raising Jack, this stopped bothering her.
- The Boss is insane. When she was The Joy, she was kind of out there, but she was stable. She is not stable now.
-Even when she realized that what she desired was World Peace, there was nothing she knew how to do besides be a soldier.
-She is fundamentally incapable of disloyalty to America.
-She genuinely loves every soldier: her comrades, her enemies, and everyone she's ever killed.
-Pretty much everything she feels is in shades of joy. That's why, when she is pushed over the edge, instead of rage or sorrow she "feels nothing."
-She has slept with every single one of the Cobras. Yes even The End and The Pain.
-Also Zero.
-And she made out with FDR a bit. FDR loved it.
-The Sorrow is the closest thing she has ever been to "in love" with someone, but she can never actually be in love with a human, because America will always be more important.
-The Boss does not consider herself a tragic figure. Losing her family for her country and dying for her country were always sacrifices she was willing to make.
-She understands that not all people have the strength of will that she has. She does not hold it against anyone who is not able to do what she does.
-She genuinely enjoys killing people. It's not a primary motivator; she'd never kill without reason. But she does enjoy it, knows she enjoys it, and knowing it does not bother her.
-It is almost always never personal if she kills you. Quite the contrary! Having been killed by her hand in battle will only endear you to her.
-She does not make value judgments. She recognizes that someone should be making judgments, but she doesn't recognize it as her role. So she does not question her orders, even if she does not believe in or agree with them. Making the judgments is the role of politicians; to fire the gun is the role of the soldier. Politicians can make mistakes as well as soldiers can, but like hell would she like to put a gun in the hand of one of those suits or have to sit herself behind a desk all day.
-She has slept with Jack. She also considers him her son.
-Admaska is her son but Ocelot is not.
-No, she does not consider Adamska and Ocelot to be different people.
-His existence causes her both joy and pain. On the one hand, she is happy that her baby is healthy and beautiful and strong. On the other hand, he is a gay little weasel with no sense of loyalty or duty.
-She thinks of him and Big Boss as brothers, which is why it's good that they're having gay sex.
-She knows that Jack is not capable of being Boss and uniting the world, but expects him to anyway.
-She will forgive him for failing.