Aug 06, 2009 11:51
I know many of you have been regaled with my tales of sausagery! Well, today was THE DAY. I put aside all my bizarro world anxieties. Yesterday I made the kitchen as spotless as it's going to get - iodine was involved, so parts of it are in fact, pretty damn spotless, I don't intend to take too many chances with his sausage thing - and I started preparing the meat.
Many of my travails have had to do with pork fat. As in, I can't find it. I tried rendering it but, uh, we probably don't want to talk about what happened with that. Needless to say I failed and it was reasonably gross. Pork fat gelatin was involved. Nuff said.
So I decided to use pork belly. But it would require a substitution of about 20% of the meat. Probably a little porkier than traditional kielbasa would be but, hey, I like pork. I was willing to go for it!
Except the recipe doesn't use 4.5 pounds of meat. It uses 1.5 pounds of meat. When you replace 3/4ths a pound of beef out of 4.5 pounds, you've still got a fair mess of beef. When you replace 3/4ths of a pound of beef out of 1.5 pounds . . . why is there beef at all being used.
The horror, the tragedy! The recipe has failed! And now I've got all of this meat and I'm not sure what to do with it, precisely, hehe.