MMOM - Day 3 - Phil Coulson's DMR - T is for Tuesday is for Tony - Avengers, AoS, Iron Man

May 25, 2016 23:49

For MMOM - Day 3
Title: Phil Coulson's DMR - T is for Tuesday is for Tony
Author: CPWatcher
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Marvel's Avengers, Iron Man
Pairing: Phil Coulson/Tony Stark
Characters: Phil Coulson, Tony Stark
Overall Story Rating/Category: NC-17/Explicit sexual content
Rating (this chapter): NC-17/Explicit sexual content
Spoilers: None
Word Count: 504
Summary: Phil Coulson likes Tony Stark. A lot.
Notes/Warnings: Graphic descriptions of sexual situations. Graphic explicit language.
A/N: I wanted to play along this year in MMOM. Here's three of eight.
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, Marvel/Disney/Stan Lee do. I'm just playing with them a bit. No harm intended.
Kinks: Dominant/submissive themes, Dominant male/submissive male, Daddy kink, masturbation, fantasy thoughts, punishment(single taser shot).

Phil Coulson's DMR - T is for Tuesday is for Tony

Phil is certain that everyone thought he didn't like Tony Stark. They couldn't be further from the truth. Phil not only liked Stark, he actually understood the man. Tony, who lost his parents at a very young age, craves one thing, connection. He longs to belong, to be a part of something. He wants to be wanted, needed, protected and loved. However, in the past, Tony too often mistook attention for affection. He trusted in the wrong individuals and they hurt him deeply. So instead of being hurt again, Tony closed himself off emotionally, to spare himself pain. On the one hand, Phil knows what Tony wants - the loving parental protection he lost. On the other hand, Phil also knows instinctively what Tony needs - a strong male authority to set boundaries and limits for his actions. During his brief stint of 'babysitting Stark' in his Malibu mansion, Phil rose to the occasion to provide both. Whether it was corralling a drunk Tony to bed when film of his father made him too morose, then gently carding his fingers through Tony's hair when restlessness wouldn't let him sleep; or coaxing him to the breakfast table with a home-cooked meal, Phil provided the parental support. But he also held Tony to a fairly rigid schedule of breaks within his work cycles, providing punishment when Tony failed to voluntarily rest. After establishing a rapport with JARVIS, Phil was able to convince the AI of his intentions to help Tony, and JARVIS was only too happy to lock Tony out of his workshop when Phil asked. True to his word as an enforcer, Phil even had on one occasion to taser Tony, (it was the lowest setting), and did in fact watch Super Nanny with Tony drooling, while sitting at Phil's feet (Phil had dragged Tony into a sitting position on the floor in front of the couch. He only did it because Tony had been blocking the exit where he fell.)

Phil truly believes that his behavior with Tony, showing him guidance and a firm hand, are the reason Tony really respects him. Tony's acceptance of the guidance and support is why Phil respects him in return. It's also the reason Phil wants to fuck Tony Stark stupid. Phil knows with the right amount of praise and discipline, Stark would be his for the taking. And take he does in his fantasies. Tuesdays are Tony's day. Whether it's smart ass Stark, whose mouthing off gets him a bare-bottom hand spanking over Agent Coulson's knee, followed by a prostate milking until Stark's crying, begging for mercy; or eager to please Anthony, showing Papa Phil his latest toys, and being rewarded with a slow, hard fuck; or ambivalent Tony, who causes problems just to get Daddy Phil's attention, good or bad, who sometimes has to take a taser blast to put him in his place, which is usually with his head in Daddy Phil's lap and Daddy's thick cock filling his lax mouth - all of these are Phil's favorites to jack off to on Tuesdays.

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