MMOM - Day 1 - Phil Coulson's DMR (Daily Masturbation Routine) - Avengers, Agents of SHIELD

May 23, 2016 23:35

For MMOM - Day 1
Title: Phil Coulson's DMR (Daily Masturbation Routine)
Author: CPWatcher
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Marvel's Avengers
Pairing: None
Characters: Phil Coulson, Melinda May, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov, Nick Fury
Overall Story Rating/Category: NC-17/Explicit sexual content
Rating (this chapter): R
Spoilers: None
Word Count: 794
Summary: Phil Coulson masturbates every day.
Notes/Warnings: Graphic descriptions of sexual situations. Graphic explicit language.
A/N: I wanted to play along this year in MMOM. Here's the first of eight.
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, Marvel/Disney/Stan Lee do. I'm just playing with them a bit. No harm intended.

Phil Coulson's DMR (Daily Masturbation Routine)

Daily masturbation.

It was an indulgence, one of the very few he really allowed himself since his resurrection. Phil Coulson knew that everyone felt that the Bus was his indulgence, his gift for being Fury's pet lackey. The Bus wasn't a luxury. It was a bribe, offered by Director Fury to keep Phil under the radar. Phil knew that the Bus was just another means to an end and accepted it like a good S.H.I.E.L.D agent should. Lola, his exotic cherry red convertible, on the other hand, had in fact been an indulgence, just like all his other memorabilia. They were material things that he collected and preserved. Their cost was unimportant, the way they made him feel far outweighed any dollar amount spent.

While Lola and his collectibles were the tangible things that he enjoyed, this indulgence gave him pleasure on a whole other level. Masturbation itself was nothing new. At over fifty, he had nearly forty years of pulling his meat, under his belt, so to speak. And pairing those jerk-off sessions with a fantasy of some celebrity was a no-brainer. But he'd always drew a line at masturbating to fantasies of people he knew and worked with. It had always seemed just a little too personal, it was just a shade too gray and sordid. But now, after his 'death', Phil has come to better appreciate life and the fleeting pleasures that it offered. These days, jerking one off while fantasying about someone he knows is now par for the course.

Daily masturbation became a ritual unto itself, actually. Making time in his busy, complicated schedule to do the deed had become a necessity. After seeing so much pain and suffering, Phil had learned only too well that a little daily boost went a hell of a long way to making the overall battles bearable. Whether it's an extravagant one hour session with lube and a butt plug in the comfort of his bed; or twenty minutes of alone time under the hot spray of his shower; or even two minutes, (yes two minutes when fast and efficient matters), in the last stall in the men's room, Phil Coulson could expound upon the glories of a daily fantasy-fueled wank, if he didn't have to worry about the write-up from Human Resources. Instead, he keeps it to himself and the fantasy people that get him hot and bothered.

Fortunately for him, Phil has seven people - friends/colleagues/co-workers/subordinates - that fuel his fantasies like putting a match to dried kindling. His thoughts on these magnificent seven has seen him through the past two years on the Bus. He even assigned them days, one day of the week for each, to star in his fantasies. That's not to say he doesn't fantasize about other people when he jerks off, because he does. He may incorporate others in his fantasies with his special seven, or if he's really feeling randy, he'll have a second go at it while thinking about someone completely different. But his first daily wank always includes one of his magnificent seven. Always.

The fantasies themselves are 'no holds barred'. He doesn't censor himself in any way, nor even question his own psyche (much), when he lets the fantasies unfurl in his mind. He knows that fantasy is all it is, all it ever will be, so he indulges wholeheartedly within them. In his fantasies he can be whatever he wants to be, do whatever he wants to do. Wherever the fantasy takes him is perfectly fine. He knows the difference between fantasy and reality. The exploits he enjoys in his mind's eye never ever bleed into the real world.

Compartmentalization was the key. It was one of the very first skill sets he mastered when he became an Army Ranger. Compartmentalization, and his service as a Ranger, provided Phil with the ability to send his comrades, sometimes his closest friends, into a battle he knows they may not return from. It's this same skill that let's him imagine spanking May, or fucking Barton, or even eating out Natasha, in the privacy of his mind, and later have a life or death mission briefing without looking at his team like he's some sick perverted fuck.

That's not to say he wasn't a sick perverted fuck, because, yeah, some of the things that came up in his head were a little raunchy. Correction, they were a lot raunchy. Some might say even degrading and debasing. But the thing was, he himself was more often than not, usually on the 'being degraded or debased' side of the fantasy coin. So yeah, he probably was a sick perverted fuck, but only in his imaginations.


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