
Sep 28, 2010 01:15

From Twitter:

Mom woke me up from my nap because she was furious I was napping.
So I guess that nap I took infuriated her because it was doing exactly like what my brother did.
So it turned into a 30 minute talk about how I'm apparently doing nothing in my life and need to go to school.
Although I even told them I wouldn't be able to handle the stress and such, as I am not even motivated to play my own games.
My dad said I may have depression, and I guess they are going to have me talk to a psychiatrist.
Then the talk ended when my mom left the room crying because she thinks I failed her.

Here's what happened.

I decided that after I did the dishes and made tea I wanted to take a nap. Typical, especially after yesterday when we went to Disney and I was tired as hell. So I took a nap.

6:30 comes around and my mom barges in, angry that I am napping. Dinner wasn't close to being ready so I don't know what was going on. Dinner was ready later so I ate, still tired, then finished up and headed back in the room. Same ol' same ol'.

Well, around 7:40 she calls me out into the living room. I figured she needed me to grab something I left out there or such, so I went out. She turned off the TV. I knew shit was going to happen.

So she starts by saying I'm being exactly like my brother, sleeping constantly (what), playing games (what^2), and doing nothing. I explain I'm nothing like him because everything he did was for WoW, about WoW, etc. Everything he talked about. His clothes. His music. His friends. My mom still insists my habits are exactly like his, with the only difference is that I have a job.

So she starts going on again about how I have to go to school to get a career and not be a busboy the rest of my life. I told her I'm not ready as I couldn't handle the stress at all, let alone the fact I don't know what to even do! By the way, out of state is not an option my mom is considering. She is meaning in Florida only.

She asks me when I'll be ready, and the only answer I could give is "I don't know." That isn't an acceptable answer, so after she kept asking me questions I told her I wasn't going to say anything that would please her.

This was the time I decided to tell her I was infuriated at how I was compared to my brother my whole life. When things happened, I was put on the same level as him. Equal blame for his actions and such. Mentioned how I would go job hunting and get in trouble for applying to places while he didn't apply anywhere and still didn't get in trouble. She said it was because she hailed me as the responsible one that would tell if he put in applications or whatever.

This conversation kept redirecting me back to going to school for them. I told them I couldn't deal with the stress or keep up with everything, and they kept asking "Keep up with what?" I said everything and that wasn't acceptable apparently.

So then they went on about how I always seem mad or disconnected with everyone. I told them I have nothing to talk about because, really, they don't know half the stuff I'm into. It then led back to schooling and I told them I'm not even motivated to play my own games. At this point my dad said I might have depression, a first time for them to notice such things in the past few years that I have had such issues with motivation. So they are going to schedule me for a psychiatrist whenever, because apparently deep down I have a lot of frustration against my family (who couldn't see this coming at all?) and I won't talk about it to them.

Conversation continues and finally ends when my mom stands up and says "Now you made me feel I failed you as a parent." and walked off crying.


This is not helping my situation at all and it just made me feel more like a piece of shit than ever!
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