Albany, or For Those of You Not In the Know, Ive Been Moved.

Feb 27, 2004 16:57

Hey everyone, thgis is my third day in Albany. Weve been sent here to work on 4 houses for Habitat for Humanity and start construction on 10 more before we leave here in 2 months.

Heres the breakdown on my team as of yet.

Jeremiah, the team leader. Hes pretty cool and doesnt like bullshit. Hwe has a good sense of humour and we get along well.

Megan, Megan used to be one of my neighbors back at The Point and now shes one of the people Im closest to on the team.

Richard, He used to live on house down from me and hes also damn cool. A good sense of humour.

Jessika "Bit", An interesting girl just getting to know her, she earned her nickname by biting one of our team mates sandwiches as she was eating it during MEPS.

Jen, Dont know much about her but she is pretty nice/cool so far.

Katie, Dont know much about her and havent bonded with her much but she seems nice.

Caitlin, diddo.

Jennifer, Shes pretty cool, I was getting to know her and bond with her some until we were seperated by her having to continue fire fighter training as we were leaving The Point. A good sense of humour and a fun drunk, holds her self back witht the cursing and the anger though.

Chrissy, Dont know much about her, but she seems nice.

At some point soon I hope to have pictures availiable for you all to see where I have been living and who is on my team.
Ill also at sometime later get into the nittygritty and into the part where I tell you how much this whole things rocks and how I want others to join with me if I decide to do this a second time.
My current # here is 518-482-5076

Till later, Bryce.

btw, update me on the drama, Im out of the loop.
ps, yes doug, they do sell a special shampoo that kills crabs.
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