Jan 09, 2009 22:44
The problems Wizard magazine have had the past few years are common knowledge amongst the comic geekdom. The internet has all usurped their throne at breaking comic news. They run their magazines with a bare bones staff and have been seeking free articles from interns or want to be writers who submit on their website. The next nail in the coffin is the cancellation of WizardWorld LA and Texas. The way I saw it, all Wizard really had left was their convention circuit and now that is falling apart. This is a double whammy, for me, since the guest of honor at WW LA was Stan Lee. I can appreciate what the man means to the industry, but I can also not respect what he has done to hinder the artists around him and how his writting never grew out of the silver age mentality. For anyone who doubts what I am saying, go read DC's Stan Lee presents, or his recent Fantastic Four one shot.
Fandom is either starting to finally see through the Emporer's new clothes or grown out of frat boy fart jokes. Either way, I truly believe that the days of Wizard are as numbered as the dodo.