(no subject)

Aug 04, 2006 08:43

How long till they lose control? How long, how long, till they lose control?

Four lethal weapons, conspiracy theories, three mad maxes, and bravest of hearts. all gone. all gone.

So yea anyways, last Saturday was the Warped Tour and it was my one day off...well actually I have all the weekends off, but for some reason I felt like it was my big time to relax or something.

So anyways here's what I saw and how I'd rate them

Silverstein: ****
I came in right towards the last half of Silverstein, I was actually quite impressed. I hadn't really listened to them much, now I sorta want to. I couldn't help but think of that guy who sang/screamed them on American Idol =P

Anti-Flag: *****
I only knew a little of their music, but I definitely could appreciate their liberal politics. I finally met up with Smitty before they were starting and we made our way to the front. Some weird punk kid was holding up this "kill whitey" sign, I was wondering what the black security guards thought...I mean the security guards look gruff all the time anyway. Anyways, they started and the crowd just went crazy. It was an AMAZING performance. We stayed up front for nearly the whole set and got killed. I still have "The people united, will never be defeated", their catchy little line stuck in my head. Also I recall their lead singer yelling to everyone. "Let's give a big $%&* you to the worst $%@*ing president in the history of the united states!" That was cool. Plus they came out to the American national anthem. They were probably the most punk of all the bands there, which is ironic for how much smack people talk about them.

Red Jumpsuit Apparatus: ****
A rather pleasant surprise, I only watched them for a bit, but this pop/punk band seemed quite good. I am going to have to check them out.

Hellogoodbye: ****
Put up a solid show, the crowd was into it for once, unlike back at Eastern (a whole 10 of us knew their songs there...) and Forrest was sporting some crazy purple and neon green outfit that looked like he'd wandered off a beach from another dimension. Or he just looked dorky. Well anyways they played well and were catchy.

Less Than Jake: ***
I only saw one song, but it was fairly good, if I was more into ska, I think I'd like it.

Rise Against: *
Wow, I though this band pretty much sucked. I guess the main reason I didn't like them is that I had heard they were all "punk" and then they start into this screamo junk, which I can only take so much of as is. When your image is one thing and you end up being screamo that equals me not liking you much.

Armor for Sleep: *****
There lead singer was wearing a sleeveless shirt and had somehow gone from looking scrawny this spring to look buff. It was rather frightening. I dragged Smitty along since he dragged me to Rise Against. Tess was off getting HGB to sign her junk. Anyways, they played a pretty typical set from WTDWYD, but I love that album so much, every time they play it decently I'd give it five stars. They also did play with a lot of enthusiasm, even though they weren't putting out anything new. They had this crazy contest to see how many crowd surfers we could get up in the air. I swear, there must have been 12 to 15 and they said the record for the tour so far had been 9. I guess Detroit just loves AFS! Also, they played "Dream to Make Believe" off their older album, which was kinda nice, since I remember listening to that and buying their shirt way back 3 years ago, when I went with Franz to the Equalvision Tour. Anyways, I love AFS, they're still a great band.

Chiodos: ****
Played a very energetic set. Even Tessa enjoyed them. Its just kinda ironic, I hear they aren't as cool guys in real life, from a couple of people anyway.

Oh yea, other than that I got a lot of free junk, including An Inconvenient Truth dogtag and free Monster drinks at their truck (and to think I paid for water)

I did not get to see : The Early November (too late), Senses Fail (Left to early), or Thursday (left to early), or NOFX (somehow missed).

Still I'd say it was a good show.

I told Tessa "bring lots of water", but she brought Kashi Bars instead and end up having some mild heat exhaustion, so we had to leave early at about 4:30. Oh and then we had a nightmare finding our car. Somehow we had found the only free lot apparently in Detroit, and it was right next to this private lot, so it was about impossible to find since we are stupid. But anyways we left and finally got back to lovely RocheLO as I refer to our collective towns as.

So that is the warped tour. That is all.

Sincerely Me.
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