May 16, 2006 20:13
I was out getting a fruit flan yesterday from the grocery store only to get stuck at the pay stage. 'Card Use Limited'. What? I swipe my card again and the same error message came up. By this time the self serve cash register supervisor had come by and I told her that I was sure that I had enough money. Turns out my card was potentially 'comprimised' last friday and so they froze the account. The only possible explanation was getting my PIN spied on at the McDonald's at Scarborough Town Centre. The card machine was not well shielded and placed ridiculously far from reach so one had to stretch to get at the buttons. Grrr.
Its like you here about this stuff on the news and never really think about it until you get 'carded'. Probably that VL wallet (Duno if its real or not) my cousin gave me led people to think I was rich. Geez. Either way my wallet is worth more than its contents. So if the security breach was worse than first though and you hacked my computer and reading this now, thanks for wasting my time. Next time you see me getting a chicken burger at McD or booting up my computer, piss off cuz you ain't getting sh1t.