Panorama - Old Habits Die Hard

May 09, 2006 19:08

"Hey! How's it going?"
"how did you do in chem"
"ah pretty good"
"what did you get"
" about you?"

Math class started off nicely and the prof seems pretty good. Very calm. LoL. Calm but adamant if that's the right word. Nice to see some familiar faces in class. But about the math today, I was clueless. LoL. Prolly gonna need a tutor.

Thankfully there was no tutorials so I got to go home early and McDs! (Despite the downsizing of burgers. You can still pull 2 Junior Chicken burgers for 2.97 which isn't too bad.)

Um, can I have some more honey?
Honey? that will be 10 cents. You get one free wift the order but extra, i hafe to charge.

You should be working at a fast food outlet back home and NOT a McDonalds! I just waited and asked another cashier later and she gave me a whooping handful of honey packs. So much so that I had to put some back.


As I was taking the subway home, I missed my stop and went all the way to Sheppard because I was flipping through today's Metro. I thought the ride to Bayview would take a little longer. Kinda interested in seeing World Trade Centre (directed by Oliver Stone, stars Nicholas Cage and Michael Pena.) Very good actors.

Tahts about it I guess. Prolly heard enough from me. LoL.
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