The poster shot of my Asahi Pentax ME SLR. How do you pronouce "Asahi"? Is it just (Ah-SA-Hee)? Sounds pretty kool..Ah SA Hee..lol. The name is long gone now. Pentax cameras nowadays are just branded "Pentax". Been running around alot in the past few days getting accessories for the cameras and even trading for one. I'll show you guys my new Pentax MZ-M later. The thing with film is that you are a LOT more picky about possible shots and therefore miss alot of oppurtunities. Having spent a couple dollars on the film roll, 24 exposures doesn't seem all that much. Plus there is the developing which costs a Laurier. ARgh!
Digital SLRs are currently out of the question. $800 minimium a pop.