I was actually prepping my MSN Space. After two years of no updating, the place has gone pretty quiet. Its a visually attracive system complete with selectable backgrounds (you won't be disappointed with the selection), customizable layout (you can move the items around), photo album, music embedded etc.
I might use it as a secondary from now on. The problem is is that no one really has MSN Spaces and only one or two out of the few actually update their space.
Tried out Venetian Timbits or I think that's what they are called from Timmys. Its the same filling as the Boston Creme. It was nice. Last day of school and I landed a box of 30..30+ timbits? Still by no means a big win, I mean, look at the shrinkages in food size and the increases in price. I asked for 8 Ventian Creme, 8 Glazed Sour Cream, and 4 Honey Cruellers. She screwed up and kept having to ask me my order over and over. She couldn't even tell the difference between Honey Dip and Honey Crueller, Plain and Glazed Sour Cream. Geez. Also this Tim Hortons at the University doesn't not go off on a good record. Known to have once given me English Toffee with Orange Flavour shot when I asked for a orange hot smoothee. Bascially, tell the customer you ran out of vanilla base...don't sneak in some cappuccino, shoot it with orange and expect them not to notice.
I came across this video. It's a hilarious look on Harrison Ford's movie career. I can't say all of it, but a good portion.
http://www.freewebtown.com/cptofgondor/harrison_fords_family_is_in_danger.wmv =================================================
===[PETE'S CD CHANGER]==============[noName]=====
[] To Download, Right-Click Link, Save Target/File As
Julianna Gianni - I Fall Apart===[6.2mb]==>>