Sim Kids for Diversity

Feb 14, 2011 18:37

Crap. I just realized that I forgot the 'd' in Inspired. Damn it.

I am the last person that would read a Stephen King book. If you're a fan, sorry. I based these two Sim kids off of the stereotypes that I have seen in a movies based off of the books... also from friends who have read the books.

Only the child versions are up for download. Both the kids come CC free are I don't believe are affected by sliders.

~Mal Suspect~

I gave him a scowl because I thought of what I would imagine a bully in Hollywood to look like. Mal because he's malicious and Suspect because he'll probably be involved in a some pretty dark situations (like trying to kill some poor sap of a kid who has a rough home life).

Dare Devil, Athletic, Mean Spirited
Cheese Steak, Indie, Brown

Would you follow a bunch of kids into the sewer to kill them if you weren't any of these three things? I like that he can still be redeemable even with these traits... even though in game play he was a world class dick from start till finish

I gave him the Brave (hey I had to redeem him some how!) and the Great kisser traits. He's still a dick despite everything. He turned out pretty handsome, which I wasn't really expecting because I thought he was a really cute kid.

~Stephanie Maine~

I made her to resemble the typical creepy little girl. Pale hair, skin, and eyes. Her first name is the feminized version of Stephen because I couldn't think of decent first name. As for he last name... King seems fond of Maine.

Loser, over-Emotional, Unlucky
Grilled Cheese, Classical, Sea Foam

Let's face it, if you're a main character in a Stephen King book you're pretty unlucky. Your life is going to suck or you'll be put into a horribly terrifying situation (like being lost or being hunted by a killer clown that's actually some weird demon bug thingy) where you'll have a good chance of dying horribly. Besides everyone loves an underdog, right? Also, I played as having a twin sister... super creepy.

As she grew up I let her develop the Coward and Neurotic traits. She's a basket case. But very pretty.

As a fun note, I don't have her wearing shoes. Ever. I drowned her twin (I'm horrible, I know) and thought that it would be cool if she always looked like she just drowned herself. Can you tell the Ophelia is my favorite Hamlet character?

Also, she makes this face a lot.

If you can get to them to get a long for five minutes they make really cute babies.





pixeltrade:sim kids, download-a-sim

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