On making myself happier...

Dec 04, 2008 21:03

I 'stole' this from Kotszok as it looked rather fun. I won't be taggin' folks, and it won't be very long, but it'll be something.

1. Post about something that made you happy today, even if it’s just a small thing.
2. Do this every day for a week without fail.
3. Tag 8 of your friends to do the same. but if you want to do it if it'll brighten your day ^_^

start thursday - finish thurday

Sooo, today, I was supposed to get up and start my life anew, a little walk in the morning, followed by a hopefully productive day.

However, plan changed when cat came in and draped herself on me. Cat is big, and I'm weak in the morning, at least weak willed enough to feel guilt about shoving the cat off my bed. So I decided to have a nice lay about, stroke my cat and have a lazy day. Cat love is good for the soul. So I had some cat love to start my day for me ^_^

Tomorrow I'll go for my morning walk, with my camera, and I'll take a few abstract photo's, funky angles and pick up some nasty stuff on the beach to draw.



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