Official list of the crew!
Captain: Christopher Pike -
cptn_pikeFirst Officer: Commander Spock -
livelongprosperNavigator: Lieutenant Kevin Riley -
again_kathleen--Backup Navigator: Ensign Pavel Chekov -
russiainwentionHelmsman: Lieutenant Hiraku Sulu -
warpthreesir--Backup Helmsman: Lieutenant Hiraku Sulu (younger) -
mrfencemasterMedical: Nurse Christine Chapel -
is_a_sanctuaryYeoman: Janice Rand -
yeoman_janChief Engineer: Eva Olson -
romulanarsekickChief Medical Officer: Doctor Leonard McCoy -
unqualified_dr Who're we missing...a doctor I suppose. But that's a pretty complete crew there!
EDIT: Looks like we swiped one of Kirk's McCoy's as ship's doctor. He can complain about it to Starfleet if he doesn't like it.