OOC - About Mal and Firefly

Aug 07, 2012 15:58

Originally posted by sylar at OOC - About Mal and Firefly
I have a feeling that I've pissed some people off with a decision that I had to make a few days ago about giving up one of the games I was playing. This was not a decision made because of personalities or anything like that. It was made because I simply do not have time for that game and all of my own games/comms/writing, and I'd lost the muse for the main character of the fandom.

You can't RP Firefly without a strong Mal, and my Mal went quiet. It was like pulling teeth to get 5 words out of him, and it was unfair to the game to try to keep him going when I wasn't feeling him. You need a loud, rude, big damn hero to RP Mal, and he's got to care.

I wish the Firefly game luck, and I know they'll be fine without me.
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