it's friday!

Apr 18, 2008 15:38

which is basically amazing.

last weekend was cool and all, but it involved me writing my thesis and hosting prefrosh, and very little else. this weekend will be AMAZING because it will involve very little work, Mike visiting, and a beach trip!

I successfully donated blood today! :) I hadn't tried in a while because my iron was always a little bit too low. But this was with City of Hope, not Red Cross, and like I said it's been probably two years since I tried last, and my iron was 13 while the minimum is 12.5 (unitless because I didn't press them). I also signed up for the marrow donor registry, which everybody should do - go to

My second (finalish) thesis draft is done, and now I just have a handful of minor corrections to make. This is VERY GOOD. I also have to throw together a presentation to email to Prof. Hoard by Wednesday...but that won't be too difficult. Honestly, the semester from here on out is completely manageable. Work, yes, ridiculous, no. The weird part? ONLY TWO MORE WEEKS OF CLASSES. ack!!!

So, here's the deal with my future plans. Basically, I still don't have any, and the prospects aren't amazing at the moment.

San Diego State University, Master's Program (Astronomy) - wait listed.
They say they won't make any decisions before May 1, and they only have 5 or 6 spots, depending partly on if everyone currently in the program is on schedule. They've accepted 5 people, and apparently 1 has officially accepted, 3 have unofficially accepted, and they haven't heard from 1. I am "one of the top few" on their waiting list, and they say it is likely they will make offers to 0 or 1 people on the wait list. AAAHHHHHH.

University of Wyoming, Ph.D. Program (Physics & Astronomy) - wait listed.
They say they only have two spots for entering graduate students this fall, and while they like my application very much they can't offer me a position now and likely won't be able to. They'll be sure to contact me if anything changes, though. Also AAAHHHHHH.

I did find a job listing as an observational astronomy research assistant in Laramie, WY, though. Interestingly, it's being offered by the same guy who Prof. Penprase (Pomona astro prof) knows and who I emailed to say "hi I really really want to go to your school and I know this guy and I've done lots of cool research and I'm interested in working with you." The deadline is May 1, so I'm definitely applying, because it sounds like EXACTLY what I would want to do if I can't get into grad school. Seriously.

I also think I'll be working at Camp Cross this summer, but haven't gotten any official word yet. Mike also applied, but his current job and about a bazillion logistics will dictate whether or not he'll be able to come play.

So, there you have it. I'm off to do laundry, go to the LA Phil tonight (and see the organ played finally!!!!!), and pick Mike up from the airport at midnight! The adventure continues.
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