My best friend is a toilet bowl

Feb 16, 2006 20:38

Kind of a crappy week all together.

Monday was a tiring day followed by a shitty play rehearsal.

Tuesday started at 4:30 AM with me vomiting every 15 minutes until 10 AM. That's a lot of vomit. Chills, insane migraine, 100% achiness, exhaustion... just overall dead, lying in bed, trying to force down any sort of fluid (and I have a rekindled love for Orange and/or Fruit Punch Gatorade... *drool*). Missed play when I really needed to be there. I dunno, that's okay. Heard some people got some V-day excitement at school.

Wednesday was more of the same illness wise, but less pronounced. I thought i was cool and tried to go to school... toughed out the day, wanted to kill myself by the end though. Wore me down again. Missed play... again.

Today, I managed to last a whole day at school, even though I still felt horrible, vomiting in the bathroom twice during the day. I am almost caught up though. Then our power went out this afternoon, but it came back on. Lazy night... managed to eat a whole chicken pot pie without stomach distress.

My mom gave me Oreos for Valentine's Day. She's cool.

Tomorrow I leave for Marquette U until sunday afternoon. It'll be fun, what with the 6 inches of SLUSH>>(overnight tonight>>ICE we got today in one of the most freakish, heavy, windy, thunder-and-lightning-y, February thunderstorm I've ever seen.

I dunno, weird week. The days I've been back I've either gotten the "You have the plague, get away!" reaction or the "hi. *walk away* " one. It was a little nice, trying to focus on school alone with what little concentration I had, but it would have been nice to really get to communicate with my closest friends.


It's okay guys... I won't have Tuberculosis next week.

Don't know for sure what caused it, but after hearing that the Elliot family, Schiltzy, my dad, and a bunch of other people who attended the elder Mr. Schiltz's reception, we figured we all had similar symptoms that all hit at similar times. Mr. Elliot & I figured it was some kind of viral thing... on someone's hands or in the food... bacterial would've erupted a bit sooner, we reasoned. I gotta get better by tomorrow though... :-/

So: Be cool and wash your hands when you serve food, people.

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