(no subject)

Dec 22, 2005 10:01

School's out for about a week and a half. Joy.

Yesterday was the day we all got to see Melanie again!!! She met us all at the pub and chatted, then she managed to wow us all at Sherman later that day when she bowled a 299. Then a few of us proceeded to go back to her place and (not) watch War of the Worlds, and talk... (death to the squid, melanie, or the flub's getting touched! hehe)

We had an eclectic mix of guests over for a rousing lasagna dinner last night. This is what this time of year is all about though. Family, neighbors, friends you haven't seen in a while, significant others, all gathering around a table, a Christmas (not a "holiday") tree, a menorah, a statue of Satan, or a nondescript thing (or whatever you may reduce my words to to keep me from offending you) to reflect, to share experiences, share a meal and everything else. Now, there is a fine line between equality recognition and political correctness in this case, so unpoliticize Christmas. I'll tell you how:

-Decorating an evergreen tree developed from cultural traditions long ago and was embraced by Christianity. So, when you see one, call it a Christmas tree.

-Other religions have holidays too, this time of year. Learn about them! Read a book, or better yet, speak with someone who celebrates these holidays. Give a damn about your fellow man for a change.

-If you are opposed to the idea that roughly 95% of people America celebrate some form of religious (or secularized religious) day or period of days in the month of December, then do something that does not involve these things. There are other events on TV that aren't the "NBC Spends 2 hours lighting a massive evergreen in the middle of NYC", and there is a horror movie coming out on December 25 (because I can't use the "C" word anymore, lest I offend you.)

-If you do not endorse any holiday, then I tell you now to refer to point #2 above: Learn about these holidays, what is going on around you, ignore the commercialized bullshit and show respect for the people around you that find this time of year sacred for one reason or another. You'll find your life will be much easier if you realize that not everyone is like you, and they may do things differently from you.

-And "Minority Rights"? That's weak. The very American system of government is based on the ideas of "Majority rule" and "Minority rights", but those of you to exploit the latter are off base. The minority, in our nation, will be provided for, but should not dictate what the majority can do. If you are Jewish, you are in the minority in our nation. Want the President to respect your bloc too? Sure, he can put up a menorah. But to try to tear down traditions of another faith by disenfranchising what it stands for is not power: it's cowardice. Cowardice against the idea that you can stand up proudly and take your American equality like a man.

In short:

Christmas Trees = Trees of the Christian tradition. Keep the name, it's just words to some of you, but to others it means something. Respect that.

Menorahs = Sure, put them up in malls and White Houses. We love you guys too.

Equality = Don't reduce the symbolism (or name) of another faith's symbol to make yourself feel better about your life.

Atheists = Stores are private institutions, they can do what they want. You can also change your radio station too. And lastly, just like everyone else should, show tolerance.

TOLERANCE, UNDERSTANDING, and RESPECT. That's the key people. The key to so many of the world's problems. Let's start the ball rolling by eliminating this December debate. It doesn't have to be this way.

christmas, thoughts, rants, religion, politics, debate

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