Or, technically, parts one and a half, two, and three. Also, I'm mostly only using that icon simply because I haven't yet.
I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT TO POST ABOUT THIS. Actually, I can, becuase I've been insanely busy. BUT STILL. I totally wrote about Part 3 immediately after I had it so I would remember, so I have no excuse with that one. But I'm getting ahead of myself - back track, back track!
remember that dream I had where I was a lesbian ex-thief traveling with the Doctor, Amy, and Rory, and had discovered my missing lover, Ruth, and child, Oliver, had been sent to the past, only to the learn at Ruth's death bed that even she didn't know where Oliver was and it ended with my son still totally missing? Well, there have been developments in dream land, my friends!
One dream, all I remember is running. That's it. I don't remember what to and/or from, or anything. Just running. So that's the one and a half part.
Part II happened the night I watched Resident Evil with Nolan, which I had never seen before. I first had an unrelated dream where I was the main character of that movie in an alternate version of the ending, but I digress. The Doctor, Amy, Rory, and I arrived sometime in the early 2000's (for some reason, I feel like the year was 2006, but I don't recall the specific date ever being explicitly stated). I don't know why we would go to a time when not much happened. Maybe the TARDIS brought us there? That could be right, since we arrived to find that the earth had succumbed to the zombie apocalypse. Clearly, this wasn't right, since we had all come from 2010 or later and knew that no such zombiepocalypse had taken place. We had to figure out what went wrong and put it right, before Amy, Rory, and I faded away. See, since this timeline meant we would be dead and possibly also zombies, the healthy alternate-reality versions of us from the future were a time paradox and so we would slowly die as time corrected itself. Did that make sense? It's explained better in the actual show.
Eventually, after figuring out what needed to be done, we were trapped and had to hide in the TARDIS. The Doctor was fine, since Earth's timeline didn't effect him too severely, but he was quite frantic to save the earth because a) he's fond of it and b) Amy, Rory, and I were dying. We didn't know how to get past the hoard of persistent zombies shambling around the TARDIS, so I volunteered to go by myself. I could outrun and avoid these motherfuckers with my bad ass parkour skills and get the item we needed. I don't remember what the item was, exactly: only that it was from a different time, and its absence from its actual time was what caused the zombiepocalypse to go down unhindered, so we needed to take it back to that time. There was a pretty intense moment before I left the TARDIS where the others wished me good luck, since there were a lot of zombies for me to get passed and I could easily be overwhelmed and killed, which would likely result in Amy and Rory fading away, which would allow the Doctor to get away but only after suffering loss. Again. Poor chap. Now that I think about it, I don't know why we couldn't just fly the TARDIS to the location of the item, or at least closer to it. I'm sure there was a reason. In any case, I woke up while running through the zombies and it was completely awesome. That dream had no new news of Oliver's fate, but I've been determined to keep dreaming these dreams so I can find out what happened to my dream!son.
Last week, I had another dream. Part III, if you will. This time, I was shown a little more. All I remember from the situation I was in during it is pure chaos. Burning buildings, crashed cars, broken glass, and an underlying sense of distress and adrenaline pumping the whole time. There was no sign of the Doctor, Amy, or Rory. We'd been separated somehow, and I was looking for them. Then someone called for his mother. I turned to find a young man, in his early twenties, just a little older than myself, sitting up against a crumbling wall. He was injured - stabbed or shot or something that had his torso covered in blood - and staring right at me. He'd meant me when he'd called for his mother. "Oliver?" I said, and he nodded. I ran over to help him. I rambled about finding him, how I'd been trying, how he was older, and he told me it was okay. I asked how he'd recognized me. He just told me that I should go, that I would come back and help him soon, though it wouldn't be that soon for me, only for him.
Ball of wibbly wobbley, timey wimey stuff and what not. He was being vague, probably to avoid a wound in time, but I assumed he meant that future me was here as well, with him, and would come and help him. This meant I would find him. I asked him to tell me where he was, when he was. He told me couldn't, that if I didn't find him by myself, it could change his future so that he never met me here, making it impossible for him to tell me where to find him and creating an impossible time paradox that could break the universe, not to mention our brains. Instead, he just told me to remember that he'd only been a baby when the Weeping Angels had taken him. That's all he said. And that's the last I remember of that dream.
Luckily, Oliver's vague hint is the product of my subconscious, so dream!me was able to figure out what he meant fairly quickly. I had to stop looking for Oliver because, as a baby, there was no way he would know his own name. I would have to look for something else unique about Oliver to find him with. Lets hope I keep this dramatic dreaming thing up, because it's kind of awesome. I'm already working it all into the plot for a time traveling comic I plan to write that was inspired by this whole craziness.
In other news, Patrick and I have teamed up for Script Frenzy this year. We're writing a Doctor Who fancomic about two housemates in university (yes, they are based on us...sort of) running a halfway house for Doctor Who villain. Yeah. That is a thing that is happening.