Mar 15, 2009 23:26
As is implied by my subject for this entry, I am ill. Again. I just got over a throat infection, and now my throat is killing me again. WHYYY???!!! *angstangstangst* Perhaps the infection has made a return. Maybe it wants revenge. That's pretty likely, you know. Throat infections spend most of their time plotting schemes of vengeance. They're not very creative with how they actually go about it, though,
Due to extreme technical difficulties, we only watched the first Terminator movie last night. It was pretty sweet. Ii enjoyed it quite a bit.
Well, I'm really only typing this as a way to procrastinate on an essay due tomorrow, so I suppose I should skip off and write down some stunningly brilliant thoughts on symbolism in literature or something to that affect. (Was that the right affect? Or is it supposed to be effect? I always get those two mixed up.....ALWAYS.) And perhaps make a cup of chai. Mmm, chai............
Quote! To avoid confusion when quoting, I will refer to myself as Mary, which is my name. The following is from the annual Day of Silence that our Human Rights club / GSA holds to raise awareness in the school about human rights issues. I talk ALL THE TIME, so this is always a difficult day for me, but I always participate anyways. This is from the first one I did where Catherine, my little sister, tried to translate all my strange sign language into my thoughts. Here are a few of her interpretations:
“There’re no fries?”
“A bunny?”
“Um… a bunny? Oh, an ant. Singing? Aunt Phoebe!”
“You are an idiot.”
“I am exasperated with you, you stupid child!” (Mary nods her head vigorously)
Edit: OMIGOD!!!!! LK RELEASED EP. 36 WHILE I WASN'T LOOKING!! Don't judge me, I think this is HUGE news!!! Joey vs. Yugi!!!!!! COME ON!!!! The conversation between my sister and I went like this.
Mary: *silent whisper scream as to not wake sleeping father* CATHERINE!
Cat: What?
Mary: 36!!!!
Cat: .........What?
Mary: *points at screen* Episode 36 is out!
Cat: What?! That took, like two seconds!
Mary: *freaks out* *noticing its not on the website yet* Go to his LJ account! *spazzes* I have never been so excited in my life! ....Does that make me really lame?
Cat: No. ..........Maybe.
Mary: *spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaz*
Cat: Omigod, calm down!
Mary: .........Hey, did you just - omigod, do you have Little Kuriboh's live journal bookmarked?
Cat: Yes.
Anyways, I didn't cry but I definately "awwwwwwwwwwwwed" at lest once in a really high pitched voice. It was so wonderful! And also hilarious, so kudos to LK on being too awesome for words to accurately describe.
Now, back to my essay! *angstangstangst*
stop judging me,
abridged series,