'Knocked Up' reference, anyone?
Who got let out of film 30 minutes early today? I did. Was it awesome? Yes. Yes it was. What was less awesome about film today? I had an exam that I may or may not have done HORRIBLY on. It was an epic bs marathon on my part. I'm a liiiiiittle concerned.
In other news, my throat is killing me again, leading me to believe that I may have swine flu. Which I would actually find super funny, were it not so badly timed (I have a wedding to go to this weekend, DAMNIT, I must be healthy!!). I don't actually think I have swine flu, but I may have to visit the doctor soon.....in other health related news, I do seriously think I have pink eye. GREAT. Remember that bloodshot eye I was saying was gross? Well, it didn't get better and was all crusty in the morning, so I looked up symptoms and discovered it was probably pink eye and will probably spread to my other eye (I haven't ever had it a time I remember - I'm positive I have had it, just when I was really little so I don't recall) and then I'll be a scary demon at the wedding and probably accidently give it to Nolan's aunt, the bride, and then she'll give it to her husband and they'll have pink eye for their honeymoon and it'll be ruined ALL BECAUSE OF ME. It'll be like that episode of Corner Gas, except awful instead of hilarious. It hasn't really been itchy or irritating or even oozing much mucus (ew) or making my eye swollen, so I probably don't need antibiotics and it'll probably just go away on its own (sayz teh site I was on, and teh interweb nvr liez, yo!), but it looks awesome. Grrrrrr. Oh, my life.
I also discovered that
Jenna has livejournal! In case you've forgotten, Jenna = Hikari = formerly known as Usagi= my SM buddy who may very well be my soul mate. See? I thought you'd remember.