Mar 13, 2009 17:57
I know, I know. Its been awhile. Did you miss me? Do you even remember me? Things just EXPLODED in my life lately. Well, not really. What has happened since I last wrote? That would require me to know what and when I last wrote....Ooooh, Jessica was right about this, wasn't she...
Edit: I have gone back and re-read all my entries, so I now know what was up! So, first off, my bio retest. I did worse on it than the original. Yeeaeaaaah... the final was weirdly fun, though, because everyone in our class was freaking out with stress and decided to cope by bringing a crapload of energy drinks (or, in the case of my other best friend Ehren, Mountain Dew) and chocolate bars and other various candies in and passing them around. I didn't fail, though! I actually came out with a fairly decent mark - in the 80s!!!! Whoooot!!!
Alright, I told you I'd update you on One Acts, so here we go! Our two guy actors, Ilia and Trevor, kept showing up late for rehearsals so I yelled at them. They'd still show up late, but only a little from that point on. It was sweet. Over the february break we rehearsed in my living room, which we turned into the set by moving around all my furniture. Jessica ended up being sick, so I had to run a couple of rehearsals. Nerve wracking, but ultimately fun and pretty successful too. We also discovered that putting international delight french vanilla coffee sweetener into red rose tea makes the most delicious hot beverage ever to be tasted by humankind. Now go forth and make some! I know it sounds weird, but I promise you it is heavenly. Anyways, we had a bunch of issues with teacher supervisors not showing up to our rehearsals which meant we got less practice time in the auditorium. We're not allowed to rehearse in there without a teacher supervisor because, several years ago, Mrs. J (who is the teacher in charge of One Acts, a drama teacher, English advanced teacher, once a theatre arts teacher, and the most brilliant woman alive...more on all that some other time...) walked in on two students "getting it on" in the basement. 0.o Awkward. So now we could get disqualified if we rehearse in there alone. Finally, I had to go to Calgary last weekend for my uncle's funeral unexpectedly, so I missed the final tech run. That made me extremely nervous for the first performance this monday since, as stage manager, I sort of have to run the tech. We had a really weird crowd on Monday filled with a bunch of Ilia's (drunk) friends, so they laughed through pretty much our entire intense drama. I was very proud of Trevor, Sarah, Ilia and Kaitlin, our actors, for staying perfectly in character and in the moment. That's not an easy thing to do when there's laughing going on. We were the first of the three plays to go up, so we all watched the other two. They were wonderful! The play my friends Tracy and Anna co-directed (called 'Highwire') was a pretty sweet drama with an awesome set and cool Irish accents and the play Monica directed (written by a Canadian and called 'Pseudopod Rejects') was a completely HILARIOUS comedy starring our friends Cooper, Kaeton, and Carla. I was very lucky last sem to take Theatre Arts with Kaeton (as well as Jessica and my buddy Vaike) and he played Trevor Graydon in our school production of the musical 'Thoroughly Modern Millie' in the same cast as me, playing Miss Dorothy Brown, Graydon's love interest. So, moral of the story, Jessica and I have gotten to know Kaeton and love him dearly. Also, side note, Kaeton's dad and my dad were roommates in university. Anyways, Kaeton is a brilliant actor, and so is Cooper, and Carla (who is relatively new to the field of acting) stood on her own two feet and blew me away. Anyways, I was super nervous before our final Tuesday performance, where we would be adjudicated and two of the plays chosen to move on to the regional competition. My stage manager binder would get marked, which was scary, and I was freaking out trying to finish all the cue sheets in time. Vaike, our light and sound person, sat down and went through it all with me and helped calm me down. The performances, for all three plays, went extremely well and the adjudicator was really positive. I'm super excited, because our play and 'Pseudopod' made it on to regionals!!!! We kidnapped Tracy to come with us as assistant stage manager. So yay!! We gave everyone a week off and will resume rehearsals next week. Regionals are at the end of the month. Fingers crossed!!
Yet another edit: I forgot to add a quote!!! Oh no!! I was distracted by NUMB3RS, which I was watching while I wrote...This one stars my friend Jordan!
[After learning about the nature of happiness in class only to discover that evolution has designed us to always strive for perfect happiness but never achieve it]
Jordan: "Evolution is a jerk."