Thanks for listening

Jun 21, 2008 23:49

Well, after many setbacks including messed up things in the Mexican administration system, giving up more than my fair share to the Medical School Gods including what young Ms Hawke went through, and the messy Immuno exam from hell, I slightly questioned if there were any positive sings of me risking and giving everything just to be out here in Guad.

Apparently someone was listening.

Not only do I now have internet access since a neighbour moved in, which gives me unparalleled access to learning (and canadian TV! CBC for goodness sake!!  And more blog updates now!!), but the washing machine I ordered arrived and am now able to have clean clothes without me standing over a machine design from the 30's for two hours and then have my clothesline break while I dry.

Listen to what I'm complaining about!; these are truly trying times.

And then, out of the blue, a sign.  I had three neighbours come in because the young lady from apt. 4, and she said she went to a hospital but it took too long to treat, and she saw me wearing whites and assumed I was a doctor (or at least a medical school) and came down to see if I would at least help her out by taking her pressure.  So I made it clear that I was a med student but would do everything I could.  Everything looked totally normal (and I won't get into details for protection) but eventually I told her she should go to the hospital anyways with the diagnostic physical I wrote down for her because it was above what I could do - but definitely needed attention.

They thanked me as almost all Mexican people do - with sincere thanks that, even if I didn't do anything, I did what I could and they were very thankful for that.

And I, for the first time in my career, thanked my University for at least providing the "you gotta teach yourself" method, because I could rely on myself.  This program doesn't do you any favours, but in the end, if you survive, you can do anything since you have to mostly teach yourself.  Mostly.  Until I get in the hospitals, that is.  That's apparently where all the amazing events happen.  Until then, I'm thankful I could at least provide minimal comfort and info to people that live near me.

It's a great time to be me, and I sometimes forget to enjoy it.
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