(no subject)

May 20, 2005 21:31

Title: Shattered
Author: Raina
Rating: PG-13 for violence
Words: 513
Spoilers: all of S1, especially KLG2.
Summary: Lee goes a little crazy after Kobol's Last Gleaming
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters (I wish!), I just enjoy making them suffer. ;)

I sit in the brig; I know that I should cry, scream, or yell, but I’m numb. Everyone that I’ve loved is gone, and I feel hollowed out, empty. But then they bring her in: the thing that’s been pretending to be a pilot and a friend. She looks upset but I know that that’s just a façade, because she’s not alive. Suddenly that emptiness is filled with a wave of raw hatred and anger beyond anything I’ve ever experienced as I leap at her within my cage, wanting nothing more than to smash that parody of emotion off her face. I feel her nose crunch and pulp as I smash my fist into her face, screaming out my pain at her betrayal. She cries for mercy, but then I silence her screams.

Suddenly I’m not in the brig: I’m on Colonial One facing the marines again, but something’s different this time. Instead of standing next to Roslin and holding Tigh at gunpoint, I’m standing next to my mother and holding my father at gunpoint. I can’t do this: no matter how wrong his actions are, I don’t want to hurt him. But the part of my mind that is still his son is trapped in a cage of despair, and I watch in detached horror as I pull the trigger.

Then I’m on what’s left of Caprica. I stand on parched grass under a blood-red sky. The grass consists of thousands of tiny arrowheads which cut into my bare feet even as I stand there. The ground is soaked in my blood and the blood of the thousands I’ve killed. Suddenly, I catch a glimpse of cropped blonde hair in the distance. She beckons to me in her mocking way and I follow, but when I get closer, she hurls her anger at me and runs. Arrows cut into my feet and blood oozes from a hundred wounds and yet I follow. I know somehow that if I let her out of my sight I’ll lose her forever. I desperately try to follow, but suddenly there’s a chasm in front of me. As I tumble down an infinite slope of hurtful words, pain, and regret, I feel something within me shatter.

Lee lies on his cot in his cell, staring up at the ceiling like he has been for days. He hasn’t uttered a word since he stood over his dying father. He hasn’t even tried to move since he was strapped to the bed. His body is a mass of cuts and bruises, a testament to the epic struggle that it had taken to bring him down after the Cylon was brought into the brig: he’d made a terrible scream, leaping against the cage bars in an effort to get to her. It had taken five men to restrain him. But now he is perfectly still; the only signs of life are shallow breathing and an occasional blink. Despite the wounds covering his body, his face is serene.
He lies there still, beautiful and broken, like a shattered statue.
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