Вс, 14:39: RT @ simonblackwell: Hmm. Not sure about Andrew Motion's poem to celebrate Bowie's 65th: "Ashes to ashes, funk to funky / It's your birth ...
Вс, 17:35: RT @ floodtheatre: POLITICS: Labour urges 'responsible capitalism', asking that Coalition at least wear condoms while screwing the poor.
Вс, 17:49: I am drinking some stout and playing some KotR because otherwise there may be an incident.
Вс, 18:27: I am bored of KotR already, and am re-installing Age of Empires. This, people, is why I very rarely buy games at full RRP.
Вс, 20:01: Last night of the holiday. Tim goes back to Dublin tomorrow. #emo
Вс, 20:45: RT @ Twips2: IF YOU lie on Bono until he goes numb it will feel like he's still a wanker. (via @ rowzed)
Вс, 22:05: Yes, yes, yes "Oh twitter you will not believe how fancy I am, I got to watch Sherlock as it aired!!" I KNOW YOUR GAME! #seethe
Вс, 23:06: RT @ TwopTwips: CRAIG DAVID. Organise your week better: instead of making love on Wednesday, go to the cinema instead, it's 2 for 1. (via ...
Пн, 11:04: RT @ rhodri: It's time for me to grab Monday by the scruff of the neck, and for it to say "what the fuck are you playing at?" and punch m ...
Пн, 11:16: Today I had leftover profiteroles for breakfast. And yet am somehow still glum.
Пн, 11:24: Last night I dreamt a Richard Curtis style romantic comedy with two parallel narratives. One in the present day, one in the 20s/30s.
Пн, 11:27: The twenties plot-thread dealt with some posh, Mitford-esque, sisters breaking up with their suitors at an ice-skating event.
Пн, 11:27: Yes, by Mitford-esque I quite obviously mean Fascists.
Пн, 11:30: Anyway, at the end it turned out that one of the sisters hadn't broken up with her suitor & they were the Bill Bailley character's parents.