Чт, 20:16: RT @ meganamram: I like my men like I like my A.D.D.: is that a basketball
Чт, 20:19: Am Billie No-Mates at the pub. Come to me, Bristol Spods! *commanding arm gestures*
Чт, 20:31: RT @ ZomDa: Ah, dang. Joe Simon died. One of the comics greats from the very early days.
Чт, 20:32: RT @ McKelvie: Hmm. Shouldn't 2011 be when you STOP making separate Lego for girls, and not start?
Чт, 20:35: Top Tip. When writing a character who you know will be featuring in a sex scene, don't give them the same first-name as your younger sibling
Чт, 20:36: *shudders the shudder of the creeped out beyond functionality*
Пт, 13:03: RT @ TheDollSays: BBC: 'Is there snow where you are? Have you seen snow? Is it sleeting? What are shadows made of? Ever smelt a duck? OH ...
Пт, 13:05: RT @ RMH40: What's that, hacked-together ill-documented rats nest? The web page has fallen down the old mine shaft?
Пт, 13:14: RT @ RozKaveney: It is worth thinking about the corruption of #Hitchens as where denial of the existence of privilege might lead any of u ...
Пт, 13:15: RT @ RozKaveney: Young sisters and comrades, reflect on #Hitchens' fall and reflect that, without care, some of you will betray us and yo ...
Пт, 13:20: Forgot to set alarm, so woke up at half twelve. Grumpy.
Пт, 13:36: RT @ McKelvie: North Americans - Jogging bottoms are sweatpants. Sweatpants is a deeply unpleasant mental image in British English.
Пт, 13:39: RT @ AndrewRilstone: Have just listened to "What Do You Buy a Wookie For Christmas If He Already Owns a Comb." The Samaritans have been i ...
Пт, 14:33: RT @ stebax: After a recent tweet I read, every time I see the name Julian Assange, I now imagine Kenneth Williams saying it. Excellent.
Пт, 15:07: #lastfm Artists: Bob Dylan - Theme Time - Season 2 (22), Electric Light Orchestra (15) & Belle and Sebastian (14) http://t.co/h5fapnAN
Пт, 17:12: Spent most of this afternoon wrangling program that would not obey. Suceeded. Feel like a GOD.
Пт, 17:50: RT @ jephjacques: @ ryanqnorth before you bash Medieval art with mean-spirited invective / remember that they had to rediscover linear per ...