Пн, 16:16: RT @ mikeyjojoe: Have named my iPhone 4S 'Titanic' so when it says 'syncing Titanic' I click cancel and feel like a totes Hero. #mikeyrew ...
Пн, 17:24: RT @ ZomDa: Tesco security guy looks just like Kenneth the page. Cannot process this; having a little sit down. I'll be by the leeks if a ...
Пн, 19:51: RT @ tompeyer: If #doctorwho movie doesn't follow Peter Cushing continuity, I will unleash 1,000 angry tweets.
Пн, 19:57: T's watching "The Monsters Are Due on Maple St". Had forgotten that at one point a shot of a man drinking milk gets a dramatic musical sting
Пн, 19:58: Maybe we misjudged them. I'd get fucking paranoid and shoot my neighbours if I had to deal with all that dramatic music.
Пн, 20:00: "WHY WOULD HE TELL YOU IF HE WAS THE ALIEN YOU SILLY BITCH?!?" shouts a legal adult who understands metaphor at the television screen.
Пн, 20:43: RT @ NotAdric: Dr Who film. My pitch. The Twin Dilemma, featuring Jedward. You heard it here first.
Пн, 21:12: My #NaNoWriMo sentence of the day: "Tom nodded his superfluous approval and turned to leave."
Пн, 21:18: Only written around 7k. But all joking aside, I'll be satisfied if I end November with 15-20k, as long as I've written every day #NaNoWriMo
Пн, 22:51: Just to check. We've all bought the Vertigo Ressurected re-issue of 'My Faith in Frankie', yes? Good… Good…
Вт, 12:00: RT @ gzornick: NYC authorities clearly feel #OWS eviction is just and reasonable. That's why they are doing it at 2am and barring all press.
Вт, 12:05: RT @ pandorasinbox: RT @ norock The NYPD have destroyed the donated library at #ows - I don't think you need a metaphor, but crushing 5000 ...
Вт, 12:07: RT @ honorharger: “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable” JFK (via @ kikivarg + @ AnthonyLi ...
Вт, 12:10: RT @ PennyRed: They have batons out. Protester shouts: 'hang your head in shame, you know that's what you want to do!'
Вт, 12:13: RT @ OccupyLSX: Our friends who were arrested last night have been prevented from entering the City of London as part of their bail condi ...