Feb 28, 2005 21:48
Well. The past week has been . . . interesting. Let's recap, shall we?
For starters, I haven't gone home on leave yet. Not necessarily a bad thing - because I managed to connive the powers that be into giving me a seat in the G2X course. Bully for me!
However . . .
I did go home briefly for my brother's graduation party - which was fun - until I discovered that he (in the irony of ironies) had given me (and almost every other party guest) a whopping respiratory infection. One that I'm still trying to recover from. Gah.
Then, my uniform came back from the cleaners, and the imbeciles had managed not only to tear off my SSIFWTS*, but had also scoured the finish off my buttons.
And, finally, to top it all off, my class ran straight through the weekend. Not that my class wasn't interesting, but the M-1 Optical/Auditory Central Information Processing Unit can only take so much lecture time before a critical shutdown. Which is just about to happen.
So . . . I'm off to bed. I promise a much more scintillating journal entry . . . soon!
*You'll love this abbreviation - "Shoulder Sleeve Insignia For Wartime Service" - AKA - the Divisional Patch on the right sleeve of my Army Greens - torn off by the ill-mannered and inconsiderate "Professional" dry claners.
Darn them. Darn them to Heck.