Lilac or Lavender?

May 05, 2010 09:42

From the Plan A Thread

Action starts from here!

Coming up from behind Ianto, Jack pressed a kiss to the back of his neck and in the startling moment that caused, stole a grape right out of the Welshman's fingers. He popped it into his mouth and leaned back against the counter, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Just like old times?" Well. Not that old for Ianto exactly. Jack was still having a good time now that they had a plan.

"What's like old times? You snatching food straight out of my hand without asking?" he said, raising an eyebrow. He didn't actually care, but sometimes Jack's manners were less than desired. "Sometimes I think you were raised by wolves."

That earned Ianto quite the grin as the door to the HUB shut and rearmed itself. Luke and the Lost Doctor had left, John Hart was nearby finishing up cooking for Ianto, the Broken Doctor and Master were gazing at one another in the most creepy way, sometimes sighing and sometimes laughing as they spoke telepathically. The rest of their team was hard at work on their end of this satellite idea.

He liked it here. He belonged her.

"Maybe I was raised by wolves," he murmured, flashing a toothy smile. "Maybe I steal your food so that you don't become my emergency food supply." He licked his lips and then 'attacked' Iantos neck with nibbles.

"Jack!" he shoved his hands against the other man's chest before THAT progressed any further. "There are a dozen people in the room..." he muttered, glancing around. He was not comfortable with public displays of affection, especially with the Master and the Doctor sitting ten feet away drawing and eating.

Jack held up his hands and let Ianto be. He could smile through how that made him feel. Ianto hadn't meant it like that. He was tired, emotionally compromised and Ianto only wanted to be affectionate when they were alone, or when he was trying to pawn himself off on people like John Hart.

Ouch. That wasn't fair. Jack slipped out of the kitchen and headed towards his makeshift office.

Ianto sighed, putting down the bowl of fruit and following Jack to the office. He recognized that body language. The immortal wasn't pleased with his reaction.

Ianto still wasn't entirely comfortable with their relationship either. One minute he felt like he was walking on water, the next he was terrified Jack was going to bore of him and drop him like a ton of bricks.

He knocked on the paneling. "Jack?"

Jack would have been sad to hear that Ianto still didn't trust him, but he smiled when he looked up over his desk at Ianto. He didn't have paperwork, not really, but he was starting to compile files Tosh sent him through ties with the New York Jack and what his own poor excuse for hacking into the Cardiff HUB let him accomplish.

He was doing his best here. He had plans to get an architect down here, to start clearing out more spaces, to borrow as much manpower from the New York HUB as he could to get this place up and running.

It was almost like a dream to him.

"Are you all right, Yan?"


"I'm...fine Jack," he said, walking over and leaning his hips against the side of Jack's desk, looking down at him. "Better than." The activities of earlier that day were still fresh in his mind.

He glanced around the office, and reached up with one hand, adjusting his tie. "Bit nostalgic?"

"Not as nice," Jack said with a grin, leaning back in a chair that groaned in protest. "I was thinking making the walls lavender." He was trying to joke, trying to sort out the rights and wrongs by glossing over it.

Jack was sure that his little confession in the bathtub had put a strain on their 'good thing.' Ianto was acting strangely. No, that wasn't fair. He was acting like Ianto Jones, surrounded by strangers. He had to be proper. That was the way of things.

"Maybe lilac. What's the difference?"

"Lilac is a more...pinkish shade, sir," Ianto responded without a beat. Why did he even know that? "Lavender is pastel purple. Pale, nearly white in some instances."

He glanced around the office. "I don't believe people would be suitably scared by you if your office was lilac or lavender. Perhaps we should stick to a nice earth-tone?"

There was that 'sir' again.

Jack's lips pursed. "I think I can lead without inducing fear," he murmured, gazing up at Ianto with bright blue eyes. He patted the desk gently, the spot in front of him, to indicate that Ianto should sit or perch.

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