Surprise day (kinda) off

Jul 26, 2006 17:19

My normal timetable at work is to arrive around 8:15-8:30 or so, work until noon/12:30, eat lunch and play a game of magic (or two) for the next hour or so, then back to work until 5-5:30.

As we're in the middle of summer, my commuting method of choice is biking. Biking one way takes around 45 minutes, and is something shy of 10 miles.

Today, I got in around 8:20 or so, and worked until somewhere around 8:30 or 8:45. At that time, the power went out.

Given that I'm a software developer, and I use a computer for my work, this is a bad thing, particularly without a battery backup.

After the power went out, it stayed out. As it turns out, a construction crew cut a (fairly major) power line, knocking out a couple square blocks, perhaps as much as the whole industrial park the office is located in.

At 9:30, we were told we could work from home via VPN or take the remainder of the day off.

I ended up biking home, relaxing for a couple hours, then working on my current project after lunch, without the VPN connection (My current project related to the Apache C++ standard library, so I could get what I needed without using the VPN-which is good, as I haven't set up a client to work with it).

work, vacation

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