How to make a cpots89
5 parts anger
3 parts crazyiness
5 parts energy
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of emotion
Personality cocktailFrom I'm a Pink Converse All-Star
If you're a guy you might be startled by this connection, but getting this result probably makes you laugh more than cringe. You're not much to care about what other people think, but you still like to be social. You're yourself, unique and confident. And while over the years you've probably stepped on a few toes, you never let it get to you. You don't speak to please the listener, but rather you simply speak your mind. You're the Charles Barkley of the world, and while you might not be brash, you're equally outgoing and add some spice to every situation.
What color Converse All-Star are you? so it needs to rain today so we don't have practice.... But going to Luckys with all the girls
tonight after practice... won't be seeing Josh tonight cuz he ios going to some concert : ( Booo
well Cheer camp Sat. don't want to go at alll what-so-ever!!!!!GrRRrrr Cuz Kesten wont be there and neither will a bunch of other girls.. so its like me Callis Morgan Nicole and Jamie out of my friends who will be there.... not looking forward to getting up early everyday and going out in the hot sun! and the food sucks!
-Potter out-