i totally don't have any classes on fridays. sweet. so...instead of cleaning my room or doing anything productive of the like i've decided that it is time for another stupid online survey. who-freaking-ray!!
and no complaining either. it's almost my brithday and i can do what i want. like kick the person who is smoking outside of my front door. LAME.
here we go...
Time started:
12:48 PM
First Name:
Single or Taken:
Quite single.
female...but then that should be obvious. who in their right mind would name their son something as effeminate as "Kristen?"
Conor, he's my brother.
eye color:
Brown. Which is pretty awesome because I love the song "brown eyed girl"
Shoe size:
7 1/2 - 8. Just like everyother woman in America who feels like buying cute shoes.
5'5" ish
Innie or Outie:
What are you wearing right now?
clothes as per usual
Righty or lefty:
Can you make a dollar in change right now:
yes, i just went rifling through my coin jar (yay for laundry day) and discovered that I have $10 in quarters
Who are your closest friends:
hmm. erin, cassie, megs, and i suppose katherine is moving up there as she has to live with me.
Do you have a BF or GF?
a bf? as in best friend? a gf? as in great friend? yes i have both. i however do not have a boyfriend or a girlfriend.
Best place to go for a date:
Favorite place to shop:
shop for what? i think the only store i really get excited about is ikea.
Favorite kind of pants:
pink. duh.
4. it's pretty much my default answer for everything. people say "kristen i have a question for you." and i say "well the answer is probably 4." plus it is my favorite number to write.
uh. the only animal i really know is my family dog gracie. so her i guess. but she can really irritate me sometimes.
usually my favorite is whatever i happen to be craving at that exact moment. and let's be honest. it's usually coffee.
sumo wrestling.
Fast-Food Place:
pita pit. mikeys. do these count as fast food?
may, because school is out for summer and it's finally starting to get warm.
love actually
cranberry juice rocks my socks off
coffee. or if i'm swimming instant breakfast. i usually can't stomach real food until i've been awake for at least an hour and a half.
Favorite cartoon character(s):
i'm pretty fond of family guy.
Have you ever
Given anyone a bath:
Bungee jumped:
no but i remember jumping off the high dive with the "stretch cordz" from swim practice still connected. it was pretty sweet.
Made yourself throw-up:
yes. you know when you're so nauseous and you know that THE ONLY thing that will bring any relief is actually vomiting? well if you make your self throw up...relief is that much sooner.
Gone skinny dipping:
Eaten a hot dog:
not recently. wait...i think maybe i had a bite of lance's hot dog at the super bowl party. turns out i still don't like them.
Put your tongue on a frozen pole:
Loved someone so much it made you cry?
yes. but then losing people you love is always hard.
Broken a bone:
my tailbone.
Played truth or dare?
have you ever been to a jr. high girls sleepover?
Been in a police car:
Been on a plane:
Been in a sauna:
Been in a hot tub:
yes...these questions are getting lame.
Swam in the ocean:
yes. several times.
Fallen asleep in school:
yup. i used to ALWAYS fall asleep in mr. jordan's class.
Ran away?:
Broken someone's heart:
not that i'm aware of. in the words of josh ritter "i'd rather be the one who loves than to be loved and never even know." but then...it'd be kind of nice to know if someone loved me.
Cried when someone died:
Cried in school:
Fallen off your chair:
i used to fall off my chair all the time at steel house. i would lean back in my chair and prop my foot up. if anyone came in or startled me in the least it was pretty much guaranteed that i'd fall over. chelsy used to laugh and laugh at me.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?:
Saved e-mails:
yes. LAME
Fallen for one of your best friends?:
Made out?
Used someone:
what do you mean by "used someone?" does this mean "did you become friends with this person just to give your self an advantage?" no. if it means "did you happen to utelize resources that we avaliable simply because you were friends/close with this person?" then i guess yes. but i know people do the same to me all of the time.
Been cheated on?:
not that i'm aware of.
What is...
Your good luck charm:
uh. i don't think i have one.
Best song you ever heard:
there is no possible way that i can pick the single best song i've ever heard.
Stupidest thing you have ever done:
hmm. that's kind of hard to classify too. i've done lots of stupid stupid things.
What's your room like:
unmade bed. texts and school stuff on the floor. i got rid of my desk. i didn't use it.
Last thing you said?
"is it at long long last love?" i love singing along with frank when i'm alone. or when people are around. or in the shower. really i sing sinatra almost all of the time.
What is beside you:
on my left is the paper i wrote on alice adams, on my right is nothing.
Last thing you ate:
mac n cheese.
What kind of shampoo do you use?:
um. it smells like tangerines. i think herbal essences.
Best thing that has happened to you this year:
best thing that happened so far in 2006? the most fun i had was when i went to leavenworth for cara and steve's wedding. let's see what great things the rest of the year brings.
worst thing that happend to you:
i spent new years puking my guts out.
Have you had..
Chicken pox:
yes. i had like four. but it conferred my immunity. sweet.
Sore Throat:
yes. several times.
Broken nose:
Do You
Believe in love at first sight:
not at all.
Like picnics:
Like school:
i like it. but i get frustrated sometimes with it.
Would you/what is
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you?:
fun people.
Who was the last person that called you:
adam from work last night. he sadly informed me that i was no longer on call and had to come in.
Who was the last person you slow danced with:
dan? i'm pretty sure it was dan at the wedding.
What makes you laugh the most?:
pretty much everything makes me laugh.
What makes you smile?:
don't laughing and smiling go hand in hand?
Who is the last person
You yelled at?
i haven't yelled at anyone in a long time. go me for containing my temper.
Who broke your heart:
hmm. that was a long time ago.
Who told you they loved you?
my grandma.
Do you/Are You:
Do you like filling these out:
i like killing time.
Do you wear glasses or contacts:
Do you like yourself:
most of the time.
Do you get along with your family:
heck yes. we're pretty darn cool if you ask me.
Stolen anything over $50:
uh. no.
i can be yes. especially when convinced that i'm right.
yes. especially when shopping. but i guess that's more impulsive. sorry. i read the word incorrectly.
no. i love food.
no. i just don't think that anything could seriously be THAT bad.
Love Life
Do you have a crush?
If so, do they know?
i'm pretty sure he doesn't.
What is so great about them?:
uh. he has 10 fingers and 10 toes. that's pretty darn great if you ask me.
Are you in love?
with music.
This or That
Skiing or Boarding:
fall or winter:
Silver or Gold:
Diamonds or pearls:
Sunset or Sunrise:
Sprite or 7up?:
i don't really drink either
Orange juice or apple juice:
cranberry. i think we already discussed this.
Cats or dogs:
dogs. cats have been making me sneeze and itch lately.
Coffee or tea:
duh. coffee.
Phone or in person:
Are you oldest, middle, youngest or only child..
oldest, i was spoiled the least and disciplined the most, dammit
Indoor or outdoor:
either. but if it's cold you can bet i'm inside.
Final questions
How many people are you sending this to: .
to the citizens of livejournal.
What are you listening to right now?:
presently it's otis redding "the dock on the bay."
What did you do yesterday:
went to the career fair at mhs, went to class, swam, showered, did tons-o-hw, got called into work, worked, went to bed.
Where do you want to get married?
i don't know.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
i'd be less intolerant of cold.
Are you a good driver?
Are you a good Singer:
nooo. but you can bet that doesn't stop me.
What do you dream about:
what don't i dream about?
End Time: 1:35 PM