School days, school days...

Jan 03, 2006 15:06

Jumping right in...

It's time to go back to school. As with so many things in my life, it just seemed to present itself as the obvious choice. My marketable skills are few, my resume looks like crap after being unemployed for so long, and there has been nothing that made me WANT to work. Recently though, I've been losing weight (almost 40lbs so far, yay!), and it's stirred something in me. Whenever I've been taking care of myself, either through eating right or exercising, it's made me feel so GOOD. It's made me feel capable and worthwhile again. It's also made me realize just how much I've been stagnating and need to open my eyes and rejoin the world again. So, between my need for personal growth, my need for a job, and the availablity of a university with a fine dietetics program about a mile from my house(!), I decided to become a student again.

Though, you may wonder though why I think this would be a good career for me. Recently, I've watched my WW leader and thought, "I'd like to have her job. Helping people in what is both a small, yet incalcuably meaningful way. That's so cool." And I remembered my visit with a dietician at the gym a few years back and thought, "Yeah. That was helpful. I could do that too." And I thought about my personal trainer I had for a few months, helping me get in shape and thought, "I could do that too! I could do any of these things and be happy! Why the hell am I sitting around here?!"

So it's time to embark on a new path. ... Eep! :)
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