Workin' 5 to 9

Jul 29, 2006 11:23

Well, not quite that bad. But close.

The good news is that I've reached Lifetime status by maintaining my goal weight for six weeks. (Yay!) In the meantime, I've been hired by Weight Watchers too! (Double yay!) I've completed my receptionist training and in mid-August I'll be going to New Jersey for three days of meeting leader training. This morning was my first non-training meeting, for which I had to get up at 5:30am (thus, the title). I must be enjoying the job, because there are few reasons that I'd be pleasant to deal with at that hour, even if I'm still groggy.

Otherwise, I'm enjoying taking the second summer session off from school. I'll be taking classes part-time in the fall, simply because everything seems to have a pre-requisite I haven't taken. Sadly, my second degree will take a total of 3 years; but I can be a part-time student from here out and work part-time too. So it works out.

And now, some tasty Gillie's brunch. :)
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