"I'm literally angry with rage!"

Apr 10, 2006 18:09

So very much anger today...

So I had an accounting test today. This was not supposed to be a problem. I have prepared since the middle of last week for this test for which I really didn't need to prepare at all because I already knew my stuff and I knew the test was going to be super easy. I even ran a study session last week to make sure I knew the material and to help others who were having a problem with the class.

I get into the test and, lo and behold, it's super easy. I scan the test just to make sure I can answer everything, and I easily can. I start working (fast as I can, mind you) and when I'm about one-third of the way through, the professor (and I use this term loosely with him) says, "Ok, you've got about five minutes left. Wrap it up." I must have had a most interesting look on my face when I sat up ramrod straight and looked aghast at him, because I think I scared my professor a little bit. After a few awkward seconds of me staring at him, I returned hastily to my test, if for no other reason than to keep me from yelling out the lengthy stream of obscenities that was building up in my head and looking for a way out. I threw answers to the page, only half aware of whether or not I was even using the correct equations. I did take a moment to look around and note that about half the class was still there with me. By the time the professor called time, I was so angry that I walked up to the front, handed in my paper and as calmly as I could muster said, "I strongly object to this exam. There is no way I could have given thoughtful, complete answers and still finished in time." To which, he shrugged and started talking to another student. Once I start literally seeing red, it's time to go.

It is sufficient to say that my grade in that class will be completely ^&%#$! if nothing is done. I will more than likely demand a retest (without time limitation) for anyone who didn't finish. I just have to chill before Wednesday so I can actually argue intelligibly for that.

P.S. - Points to whomever can place the title quote.
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