Rolling around on the floor

Feb 21, 2006 10:19

Ow. Gymnastics is hard. I mean, it's not like I didn't know that from watching it on TV or anything, but seriously, watching it on TV and saying, "Wow, that looks difficult," and actually trying to do even the most basic of moves is eye-opening. We're starting our student-led exercise classes and the first one was conducted by a set of young ladies who are obviously old hands at this stuff. When the first thing our group leader said was, "Ok, let's do handstands," I knew I was in for a world of hurt. Now I know that I can't do even a single pull-up, but I also know that I can do a better balance beam kick than some of my classmates. I stuck it out though. I at least attempted everything and had a great time with it.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Apparently I didn't set my alarm last night, so instead of my usual leisurely walk to campus, I had to do a quick jog to class (with water jug and backpack). And I actually did it! I dropped to a walk in the middle for a few moments to catch my breath, but I made it to class on time. :)

In other class news... I'm getting the hang of writing lab reports again. I got a 90 on my nutrition test and I'm still greatly enjoying that class. Got some 70-somethings on tests in accounting and biology that I'm not terribly surprised about, but still not happy about. There is just so very much that is crammed into my biology course that it's hard to remember or even take notes on every little detail. And I felt that several questions on the accounting exam were poorly worded and confusing, in addition to not having enough time. Meh. First exams are always tough. Speaking of which, off to study for chemistry.
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