May 24, 2005 01:40
fucking hell dude, I made the decision yesterday that i want to sell my Ibanez because i dont use it ,it's sat in my room gathering dust going to waste It need's to go to someone who would play it and take good care of it. Well i took it to cash generator's today to sell it THE FUCKING CUNT BEHIND THE COUNTER TRYED TO CON ME INTO SELLING IT FOR £28 THAT FUCKING COCK SUCKING SON OF A PIG WHORE!!!!!!!. I turned down his also cunt like offer "fucking bastard"
Well im still looking to sell it and it's barely been used ,still in awesome condition id be looking to sell it from £120 or £100. Id just rather not see it go to waste!!
Me and bob bought our tent for download today and set it up in bob's back garden lol twas awesome
well im off ..... mo'fo lio