Damn Their Eyes!

Feb 03, 2005 06:15

The bastards at UPN have reportedly canceled "Star Trek: Enterprise".

See this link:

Alright, Enterprise, I will admit, angered me more than a few times. For example at the beginning of the third season, there was an episode that implied that a Starfleet starship captain would use torture to extract information from a prisoner put me in a decidedly bad mood for a long time. Even worse, what the hell were they thinking by creating a "Star Trek" spin-off without the "Star Trek" moniker for the first two seasons? To attract new viewers who would otherwise, somehow not watch because they wanted to not be associated with the Star Trek fan base? That was an insult that the third season rectified.

Then after reading reviews for the third season toward the middle, I started watching again and found myself greatly enjoying it. I have had nothing but praise for the fourth season as it finally seemed that the writers and producers "got it". We want to explore the Star Trek universe that we know, but see it for the "first time", Orions, Klingons, Romulans, Vulcans, Tellarites, and Andorians. They finally understood, you should flesh out the Star Trek universe rather than introduce endless new elements - that is why you make a prequel. The episode "Coal Creek" when the Vulcan character relates the tale of first contact with humanity - in 1959 was brilliantly done, because it had familiar elements, but a story twist that was unexpected, but conceivable and the show was so well acted and directed (and it was a 2nd season episode). Frankly, none of the Star Trek series (except TOS), really got interesting until the 3rd and 4th seasons, to peak in the 5th or 6th, then fade into a series finale with the 7th season.

Then the rats at UPN cut the show's budget in half and parked it on Friday evenings. The second that they did that, I said to J., "They are trying to kill the series." Just look at what happened to "Firefly", parked at 8:00 PM on Fridays, of course nobody is going to watch it, they are out at dinner with their families or friends. Battlestar Galactica at 10:00 PM works, because the kids should be in bed, and parents do not mind staying up a little later if they do not have to work on Saturday.

Just when it was getting better (thank you Manny Cotto) and now they are going to get rid of it. I hope UPN goes down in Chapter 11 flames. Just how is it that 2.5 million households watching a particular show can be considered bad ratings?

UPN, Star Trek: Enterprise was just getting interesting.


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