Title - Deep Feelings: Crush
Author -
joemerlWord count - 630
Rating - PG
Summary - Ma-Ti's feelings go further than a normal crush.
Characters and/or pairings - Ma-Ti/Gi, part of a series of one-shots and drabbles.
Warnings (if any) - None.
Author's note - Because I like this pairing, but nobody else seems to ship it.
Everybody thought it was just a childish crush.
Or at least Wheeler did when he found out. He seemed to think the whole idea was funny, and while Ma-Ti knew he was just having fun and joking around like usual, he couldn't help but be annoyed at the same time. After all, it wasn't exactly like Wheeler was having much success with his feelings towards Linka; surely he of all people should be sympathetic to Ma-Ti's situation, right? And it did not help any that now he was making those jokes around Kwame and Linka too; they were nicer about it, they even scolded him for his jests, but they could never quite help chuckling along with him either.
At least they left Gi out of it. There was still a chance that she didn't know how much Ma-Ti was besotted with her.
But it was more than a simple infatuation. That was what bothered him-just because he was younger than everyone else and his crush was a few years older than he was, everybody assumed that he was being "childish," that his feelings had to be less serious than, say, Wheeler and Linka's mutual attraction. Ma-Ti couldn't see how this was fair. Things were different back in the rain forest-in his home village a twelve-year-old boy was almost old enough to think about getting married, and a childhood "crush" was a reasonable factor parents took into account when deciding who to arrange it with.
Nor did Ma-Ti like the implication that he was just a simple kid. The others seemed to assume he liked Gi just because she was pretty-and it was true, he did think that she was very, very pretty-but that was barely the tip of the iceberg. If there was one thing Ma-Ti prided himself on, it was his ability to understand others, instantly, instinctively, and when he saw Gi, he knew he was looking at somebody special. What astounded him the most was that nobody else could see it. She was smart and sensible, and seemed to have an intuitive grasp of any topic from marine biology to computer science to foreign languages (she was the one to teach Ma-Ti to read in English, in fact). But she was also deeply caring towards everyone, and somehow knew just how to connect with anybody she met. She brought the team together-Ma-Ti often felt shy or insecure, Wheeler could be overbearingly friendly, and Kwame and Linka were prone stoic silence that made them slow to connect with others. Gi, however, just had a natural balance with everyone-she somehow knew just how to bring people together, and how to show you that she cared. There were times when Ma-Ti wondered why she didn't get the Heart Ring.
But Gi wasn't just kind-she was also fierce, and that was another thing that awed Ma-Ti about her. She was nice and soft and gentle when she wanted to be, but she had a sort of quiet moral power about her, and when you went against her-threatened her friends, threatened the Earth, harmed another creature she cared about-then she would do anything, anything, to defend what she knew was right. She would never abide evil, but she also knew, just like Ma-Ti, that there was good in people too. She couldn't always see it easily like Ma-Ti could, but she searched it out, she had once bet her life to Zarm to prove it, and that just made her own good stand out even clearer for Ma-Ti.
So yes, maybe Ma-Ti was young. And maybe some people thought it was silly, because they couldn't see it. But Ma-Ti knew Gi, and Gi was incredible.
And that's what made this more than just a simple crush.
It was the beginning of love.