I spent the day today trying to vote.
Yes, I said "trying".
I lived in Malden a couple years ago. When I lived in Malden, I registered to vote when I got my license. There's a little checkmark on the paper I had to sign that, when checked, supposedly registered me to vote. Well, I checked it off. Voter registration was then all said and done, right?
I then moved to Haverhill. I changed my address with the Registry of Motor Vehicles to my Haverhill address. As far as I knew, I should have been able to vote in Haverhill, as there was proof that I moved. All I should've had to do was to sign a confirmation of address change. However, the Haverhill city clerk told me I wasn't in the database, and that I had to go back to Malden to vote.
Okay, fine.
So, I went to Malden. The Malden city clerk told me that I wasn't in the database, and that I should go back to Haverhill to vote. I wasn't about to play a cat-and-mouse game. I told the city clerk that I should still be in the computer as a registered voter in Malden, and according to their records, I'd NEVER registered to vote.
Did the RMV never process my request for voter registration? It seems as though that is the case.
So, I spent the entire day today trying to make my voice heard and vote for nothing. I didn't get to vote against Bush & Co. today, but I know that a good percentage of people I know did get to vote against Bush & Co., so that was at least somewhat comforting.
I just feel as though my right to vote was taken away from me, and I was screwed out of a chance to vote for the person whom I feel will do a better job at representing this country in the global arena.
The people at the polling place I eventually ended up at weren't very helpful, and the police officer there was extremely rude, almost intimidating. He gave
lyncollege nothing but a hard time and almost didn't let her vote, either. I think what he was doing was illegal, but neither of us felt like wasting our time on him.
Now, looking back on the day, it seems as though it was a waste of a day. I didn't go to work at all today because I thought I was going to be able to sort things out and find my MIA voter registration, but neither party (Malden, Haverhill) was willing to cooperate.
Just hearing how things are going on the news now is depressing me. It seems as though Bush & Co. have been successful in brainwashing a good portion of America, and that they are in the lead for this presidential election.
I thought Americans were supposed to be smart. Why are they voting for such a stupid man to be representing them? Why are they voting for a murderer to be in office? Why are they voting for such a liar? Do they enjoy watching people die overseas? Does it satisfy some sort of a sick need for violence or bloodshed? Are Americans generally sadistic? Or are they putting faith in Bush, because he claims to be a die-hard Christian? I'm sorry, but you can try to convince me as much as you'd like that shit smells like roses, but no matter how much you try to tell me this, in the end, I still think it smells like shit.
I think this country may be in need of another revolution... a regime change... I believe it is in need of a government that exists to truly serve the needs of the people, and not the needs of the few, or the wealthy, or the president. I think a new Sons of Liberty group needs to be formed, and I think it needs to take back America in the name of its people.
Why do people vote if it's the electoral college that determines who is going to be President? The popular vote doesn't amount to a hill of beans. The electors could technically all vote for Michael Jackson to be President of the United States, and if he got 270 elector votes, then, well, Michael Jackson would be President (if he accepted). It's a system that needs to be thrown away and replaced with something new and refreshing... just like the current governmental system in place.