Lucas does it again

Nov 05, 2004 10:18

After the repeated beatings I thought 'no more' no more shall I get any hopes up, no more shall I go into the darkened room expecting the best, only to be roughed up, have my memories despoiled and be generally abused.


Episode 1 - Until LotR one of the best trailer campaigns ever, it made me ache to see Phantom plotline

Episode 2 - Wary now, not encouraged and not thinking the best....but the trailer...sweet mother the trailer. I was prepared to forgive all, until the romance...and the acting...

Episode 3 - Now I knew he was wrong, now I knew Lucas had chosen the dark side of film making, now I would not go eagerly into the night

I just saw the episode 3 trailer. First he suckers me in with Sir Alec, the old reminder of the good days, when he was one of us..but I’m holding out, I know he’s just going for the emotional blackmail. But then…

‘Lord Vader’
‘Yes Master’


Dammnit, he's done it to me again
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