

May 25, 2007 08:25

Why is he at large? Because we haven't got him yet. That's why. And he's hiding. And we're looking. And we will continue to look until we bring him to justice.
--George W. Bush speaking about Osama Bin Laden, May 24, 2007

So.. OBL hasn't been caught because we haven't caught him yet? Srsly? This is our President and Commander-In-Chief, and the guy who just basically declared for himself complete authority over all branches of the Federal government of the United States in the event of any major catastrophe?

I'd be scared, I guess, but there's no surprise. I'd wish for January 2009 to hurry up and get here so we could consign this guy to his place as the worst President in U.S. history, but you know what? Based on the precedents Bush has set--the sheer amount of stuff he's been able to get away with--I have zero confidence that his successor, whether Republican or Democrat, will do any better at all. Why should they want to, after having seen what shocking abuses of power we're apparently completely willing to tolerate?

I just.. I don't know anymore. The word 'expatriate' just keeps sounding better and better.


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