Call me crazy, but I'm really, really, really tired of seeing New Moon and Twilight mentions everywhere I go. It's even a Writer's Block thing now. WTF, world? We are smarter than this, surely...? I can't help but think, That poor generation. They'll never live it down, now. Think about it. At least my generation's embarrassments were interesting... you really can't beat Power Rangers and Sailor Moon for awesomecakes. Edward doesn't hold a candle to Tommy, after all, and if we're talking sparkles... NOTHING is more sparkly than Super Sailor Moon complete with Pegasus and Hopelessly Useless Mamoru. ;D
And before anyone mentions vampires/werewolves... Edward < Angel, Jacob < Oz, Alice < Drusilla, Carlisle < Spike. Just saying!
No, srsly. Starting to wonder if she was actually a fan, albeit a pretty f'd up one. You know... LOOK AT MY SPESHUL SUE~!11ELEVENTY!
Okay, I'm done now. Moving on...
I've had a LOT of homework the last few weeks... I kept forgetting to post, but most of them aren't really all that interesting. Here's three of them... but mostly the POSTER. Seriously, check out my poster, I want everyone to tell me how awesome it is! :P
The poster! For a major grade... I'm hoping I get a decent one, I worked pretty hard on this. If I had more time, I'd probably STILL be fiddling with it, adding a charred effect onto the world... whatcha think? :D (
DA link here. It's also bigger, if you want. ^^)
Posted for
measyouaswe. Just a masking thing, I hardly did anything with it, though I love the stock too much not to be tempted (not that I'd have permission, because it isn't really stock). But, still. Riku Cosplay! (Some would argue it doesn't look like Riku, ect, but I dun care! It's preeety!) DeviantArt has some of the best cosplay pics, ever.
Butterfly collage from weeks and weeks ago. I don't remember if I ever posted here, so boo!