Well, I have to admit, even though things have definitely taken a turn for the worst as far as my family's wealth goes, I'm still the happiest I've ever been in a long time. A lot of that has to do with keeping a positive attitude, which was my resolution back in January and am happy to see working wonders. I did slip occasionally, of course, but I have such awesome friends (ie: all of you reading this) that it's hard to stay that way. Also, I love my boyfriend. Did I mention that lately? Seriously, I am a total schoolgirl about it, even a year later. But enough bragging!
As per usual I am busy as hell, which is why I haven't been around. I've been on Twitter like a crazy person, though, and am thinking about connecting these two accounts so you can catch my updates over there. However, I need to find one that doesn't post my one-way responses to other people since I'm not keen on showing you one-way conversations. :P
Until then, this is what's been going on:
- My dad's unemployment ran out, which means we're down a paycheck, which means we have very little money, which means we don't have cash for stuff like groceries and can barely pay the bills. Because my dad's been screwed over (I mentioned he was blacklisted, right?), and it doesn't look likely he'll be able to work any time soon (not to mention his foot & eye problems are very serious, and for health reasons, he shouldn't be doing anything more than sitting on the couch), I've decided to take matters into my own hands. I got a paycheck from the school for extra cash from the year, and with the help of basilton , I've ordered parts to build myself a better computer. The idea is a) I need a better computer for my design efforts, and b), it'll give me the drive to get off my ass and make back that money, plus more money to feed my family. I've already talked to my advisor about dropping a class next term so I have more time, because in the next month, I'm going to work on building a domain and growing a business so I can start getting some cash for said family and their overdue bills. Also, the new computer will play Portal 2, which I want very very badly.
- I need to come up with a name for my design business. I'm thinking I may do something really, really generic, since I also plan on writing articles (did you know I'm writing for FYP?), taking more art commissions, ect. I'm thinking of using my real name (Renee Grant, if you didn't know LOL). Ideas?
- In other news, my dad's been going for his masters in psychology online, and yesterday he had to do a fake intake session. I played a suicidal lesbian getting over a "bad breakup," it was surprisingly fun, even if intense. Turns out I'm a pretty good roleplayer (never done it before), and it was amusing because my dad wanted to know why I chose to be a lesbian. I told him I wanted to do "something different," and he took this in subtext to say, "Alert, alert, your daughter likes boobies!" (which I guess might have been true, but that's what you get when your dad is a psych major with years of experience). He then made further not-subtle comments on how he'll love me no matter what, he embraces bisexuality, and then joked about how if my mother dies first, he'll probably come home with some other man, and I'll have a second daddy. The funny part is, I think he's completely serious. I'm waiting to see what my brother thinks, lol!
- I have discovered that I am probably never going to escape the Gundam Wing fandom, nor do I want to. Similarly, even if they're all nuts and I have some issues with the show's somewhat controversial attributes (ie: the claims of sexism, ect), I am firmly and forever now considering myself a Supernatural fan. Sorry, guys. I love Castiel too much to let him go. *smishes him*
- basilton has also firmly and forever turned into into an FF7 fan, which blends in nicely with the KH that chesauroshin converted me to before. ♥ xD
- I have 3 art requests in progress. One of which is a polar bear (squee!), and a major KH-related one for chesauroshin . I also have a lot of art to post here that I've done, but I'm too lazy/tired/busy/insert-excuse-here to do so. Ack!
- I've been working on a lot of photography and am rebuilding a lot of my collection by doing HDR. I'll probably post all the updates and new stuff never posted in the coming months, in effort to sell prints, ect. I'll link progress here as I do it (towards DeviantArt and Flickr). Lemme know if you're interested in prints, or have ideas on which printing services to trust/try out. I'm still looking around for the best approach.
- I have several fics in the works, 3 of which are SPN-related, 4 that are original (via my creative writing course). I'll post the original stuff here soon, most of them are done already.
- ...In other words, I'm really, really, really busy. So, sorry I haven't been around checking the flist (as per usual?). I do try to read when I can, though. If I missed anything major in your life, let me know? I love, miss and care about you, even if I have a bad way of showing it lately! ♥