Rather exhausted today. It was my mother's birthday (forgot a gift last minute!), I wrestled with animation in flash (I have no idea what the holy hell I'm doing), posted a fic update all over the place (and then went through the usual omg-I-totally-suck-at-writing-blues), I argued with my father (he still insists that having "real interaction" with people isn't possible over the internet, and apparently he's an expert on this now--did he forget that I'm dating a guy online, or what? Nevermind the fact that all my BFFs live inside my computer...), and I figured out that my grandmother's birthday is also in four days, and I want to paint her something rather than going to Wally World.
So, yesh. That's what I bring you today, as well as an, err, update on Bahamut...
Now, I'll be the first to tell you I'm not really religious in any sense of the word, but my grandmother is (very strong Catholic), and a while back, she asked for a painting of Mary. I made her one on canvas (did I ever post that?), but I didn't like it way it came out, so... yesh. I'm making her a new one. I kinda like this one better, actually. So far. Butterflies, ftw!
And now, for your daily dose of FF7 crack...
If you're wondering "WTF?", well, I blame
basilton. He didn't like the position of Bahamut, so I moved it around a little, and... then got bored and doodled all over the damn thing. ^^; I like Zack's limit power the most. SCRIBBLE DEATH FOR THE WIN!