Dec 01, 2005 01:30
well, it didnt turn out to be an early night last friday, instead i went out to hang with a friend,yeah, fun fun times :D lol. but then slept until like noon saturday catching up on it all i guess. spent all day saturday doing abslutely nothting, and it felt great lol. sundaycame, and with sunday came church and youth group with costume fitting for the childrens xmas program. yippee... then a fun afternoon of talking and shopping...... why shopping i dont know yet lol. finnaly, after sunday turned out to be extremely long, monday hit.
monday held no real surprises. woke up, skipped class, showed up at school at 4 to work on a lab report that was due tuesday with a friend. then came home and ate, baked my lil sis' bday cake, helped decorate it.... then tuesday which was Kelsey's bday, shes 17, man i feel old lol. she got a frog, Pogo, a fire belly toad i think. anyways, aftere schoool and classes and finiishiing my lab report and turninig that in, took a calc 2 quiz, yeah, not good. then came back for the famiily bday party, yippee, soo much fun. but anyways, found my physics test score, 117 outta 150, not bad considering its the highest ive gotten in there. i was totally excited bc of that to, but mom wouldnt take 5 secs to hear it or whatever, so who cares. just like dad totally blew me off in favor of kelsey for bell ringing, but why not. ive given up the caring part of it, or else i'd go nuts, especialy since the weekly movie nights dont even include me i iguess. but whatever. today, class then babysitting samantha, man that girl has some engergy lol. but it was fun. then went out and ate and saw a movie with a friend, now im home. so yeah, fun times. anyways, all for now, so i'll catch up with y'all laters