Nov 13, 2005 21:57
so yeah, this weekend hasnt quite been a total waste.... i had a great night on thursday when i went out with a friend... and let m e just say....CHICKEN LITTLE ROCKS!!! lol it wwas a fun night, then ended up sleeping over since it got a little late lol.
friday was your boring old day.... class for an hr,almost not worth the drive up to campus but alas,i went. after class, spent some time sorting out certain things in my life..... sigh... thtings that just wont fix themselves i guess. i thought things were set then,atleast until next saturday.... but we'll get to that.
saturday, waking up nice and early,but late for the soup kitchen up at Trinity Episcopal church in detroit. yeah, fun 2 hrs of washing plastic lunch trays.... i wwashed enough to feed an army at least...ormmaybe it was just the same onese over and overand over and overe.....
anyways.... after that, i had a nice ME day... which means reading a book for like 6 hrs and shutting outthe world for awhile. thats always a great thingnto do i think :D
but later, more stuff forthatoneproblem cropped upu as usual.... but solvedit again.
sunday... today.... kinda slept in throuogh the early part of church, showing up at like 1030... go me lol sat through a normal church service... gettinig to be a slient part of the skit about offerings hehe
then aftter church helped mom make 2 apple pies... YUM! i actually baked, like cutting with a sharp knife and peeling and all that, and no blood!yippee... im getting better then! lol.
after that, sat down andstartetd to watch the harryy pottermovie.... the first one in preperationfor friday's newest realease :D
didntmake it through the whole thing on account for the dinner at church, whiich was intereesting. it wwas kinda dinnere andashow.... but the show was dad talkingabout giving offereings to the church as in its a mission too... yada yada yada... ipaid attentioin, butits notimportant rigthnow. then back home.... now here, a bit later after doiongstuff for a while, like hw lol.
so all for now.... this week should be interesting,but nowi gotta work hard on my math to getthat lovely 46% up to apassing 68..... so go for math... NOT
well, laters y'all!