Apr 25, 2007 00:03
Indeed I do. It has been a fair while since I posted anything of substance on here, or anywhere for that matter. So here goes, I will just update on the major events.
So to start with I seem to have developed a nice little social group again, much happiness to be had there. I seem to be going out a whole lot more as well which is just lovely. On the last weekend of March myself and Sarah ventured to the Burgh for Girls Night Mark 1. Which to be blunt was one of the best nights I have had out in a long time, it was just what I needed, in fact what we all needed for one reason or another.
It started on the Saturday morning, when Sarah and I got up early to head for the bus to Edinburgh. God I sometimes forget how horrid that journey is by public transport. Something which takes 40 minutes tops in the car, takes three hours by bus and about 2 hours by train. Anyway moving on. While we were in town we ran into the bus driver Graham, he was looking good, clearly been looking after himself. Pity he wasn't due out for like another hour though otherwise we would have gotten on the bus for free. Oh well. We hit Edinburgh, dumped our stuff at Emma's and headed uptown for shopping and cocktails. The hilarity starts here.
We end up in Electric Cabaret, bad idea when on a budget, Danny is one of the best salespeople known to man. Much nonsense about what we were buying and me avoiding buying more shoes. Sarah bought loads including an ab fab outfit that takes about an hour to get into and she can't walk in, but looks drop dead gorgeous in and she knows it :). Emma bought a pretty MCR marching band dress which she had no choice she had to buy and i bought a sorta shirt/receptionist looking dress. So after spending obscene amounts of money, Emma suggests, in order to balance the karma, that we do something for free for a little while before drinking.
That something was a wander around Greyfriars graveyard, forgetting that it was a Saturday afternoon, we walk in only to be greeted by swarm after swarm of goth. Don't get me wrong all three of us are goths but we were greeted by so many stereotypes. Number one being the folks in heavy velvet while the sun was splitting the skies and number two emo boys with their jeans too low slung (god I am getting old me thinks). We decided we would sit in the sunny part and observe. Observation started to suffocate too cliche. Rather amusing there was a little boy who climbed onto a roof in the graveyard, we were jokingly willing him to jump. We looked around about five minutes later and he was gone. Oops!
I announced that there was not enough tree hugging hippies hanging around in graveyards so I skipped, yes skipped to the nearest tree and hugged. Did I not just pick one of the biggest most awkward trees in the place. Emma joined me and Sarah tried to take a picture but it was too sunny. Moving on to Villager we ordered cocktails one of which was called a smartini, it was rather nasty to be honest, looks cool but ick.
Whoop! nice and fuelled for the night, we head back to Emma's and start to get ready for the night. Much hilarity as the disposable cameras were quickly hauled out of their wrappers. Silly posing commenced. Headed to the Tron to start the night off and to meet Sarah's friend Paul. Hung about there, got a couple of drinks and swallowed various other substances. It was an experiment to say the least. Met a few interesting tattooed boys briefly then headed to opium. Couple of shots there, me and Sarah went for a wander to find chips. Directed people to a bank machine, I nearly got into a fight with some silly boy, don't know why just was ready to go for him. Ate chips and all was fine.
Emma returned from her adventure with Paul and we got a taxi to mission, or rather Edinburgh cathouse. Mighty mighty fun. Was loving all the sound and the people. Even better there was like an hour of dance music, it was way too much fun. Eventually headed back to Emma's lots more silly photos were taken, which needless to say looked awful the next morning/afternoon. Much fun! Plans for Girls Night Mark 2 started to be made. A very successful evening I think.
I am sure I probably missed something...oh yeah Sarah was on fire that night bouncing between folks, many pictures of strange people who we don't know. Oh well what are girls nights for if not to get totally wasted, laugh lots, take silly pictures and know that you are going to suffer the next day.
More to come about other stuff.